CG数据库 >> Photoshop 设计师 工作与插画家

Photoshop 设计师 工作与插画家的图片1

Lynda - Photoshop for Designers: Working with Illustrator

MOV | AVC 146kbps | English | 960x540 | 15fps | 3h 06mins | AAC mono 128kbps | 2.01 GB

Genre: Video Training

This installment of Photoshop for Designers shows how to combine Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, taking advantage of the strongest features in each program. Learn how to work with symbols, custom brushes, Live Paint, creative filters, clipping masks, and more, while following along with veteran graphic designer and teacher Nigel French. Nigel explains the relationship between Photoshop and Illustrator and walks through hands-on projects such as a montage, a movie poster, and a print ad, while demonstrating how to work back and forth between the two applications.


Combining Photoshop with the Illustrator Image Trace command

Generating "painted" type with Illustrator brush strokes

Creating an abstract background

Adapting a Photoshop custom shape into a symbol

Experimenting with transformations

Creating frames, backgrounds, and type

Duplicating, scaling, and arranging elements

Modifying Illustrator symbols in Photoshop

Adding and styling type with Offset Path

琳达-Photoshop 设计师 工作与插画家

MOV |AVC 146 kbps |英语 |960 x 540 |15 fps |3 h 06mins |AAC 单 128 kbps|2.01 GB

体裁: 视频培训

本期的 Photoshop 设计师演示如何将 Adobe Illustrator 和 Photoshop,利用每个程序中的最强大功能结合起来。了解如何使用符号、 自定义笔刷、 实时上色、 创意筛选器,剪切蒙版,和更多,同时沿着资深平面设计师和 Nigel 法语老师。Nigel 解释Photoshop 和插画家之间的关系,并通过实践项目、 蒙太奇电影海报,广告,同时展示如何在两个应用程序之间来来回回走。


Photoshop 结合 Illustrator 图像跟踪命令



改编成一个符号的 Photoshop 自定义形状


创建帧、 背景和类型

复制、 缩放和安排元素

修改在 Photoshop 中的插画家符号
