CG数据库 >> 绘制人体图


Drawing the Human Figure

MP4 | Video: 1280x720 | 63 kbps | 48 KHz | Duration: 8 Hours | 6.26 GB

Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Learn various drawing techniques and skills to become an amazing Figure Drawing artist today!

This Figure Drawing course is designed to help you develop your powers of observation and equip you with multiple techniques to become the best artist you can be.

This course features lectures that will teach you about: choosing perspective, the power of the pose, symmetry, finding the horizon line and much more. We will be focusing on how to draw various parts of the human body. This course is a bit unconventional because as we go through each body part I will also be teaching you different drawing techniques at the same time to keep it fun, interesting and educational.

The various techniques covered in this course include: gesture drawing, sketching and scribbling, line drawing, tonal simple lines and some great lectures on illustration techniques to learn comic book drawing.

For aspiring artists who want to draw the human body as realistically as possible, I will be covering in detail the importance of shadows, shape, negative space, the power of using light effectively, shading and rendering.

Also, at the end of the course there’s a 14 day challenge designed to encourage you to get into the habit of drawing every day. One of the biggest mistakes that artists make is not getting to work. My job is to get you excited about drawing and to equip you with the skills, tools and techniques that will help you to tap into the amazing artist that is within you.


MP4 |视频: 1280 x 720 |63 kbps |48 kHz |持续时间: 8 小时 |6.26 GB

类型: 电子学习 |语言: 英语



本课程的特色讲座,将教你关于: 选择角度来看,这个姿势,对称性,找到天际线和更多的权力。我们将侧重如何绘制人类身体的不同部位。因为当我们通过身体的每一部分我将也教你不同的绘图技术在同一时间要保持它的有趣,有趣的教育,这当然是有点不落俗套。

本课程中涉及的各种技术包括: 绘画、 素描和涂鸦的姿态、 线描、 色调简洁的线条和插图技法学习漫画绘制一些大讲座。

为有抱负的艺术家想要尽可能切合实际地绘制人类的身体,我将涵盖详细的阴影,形状,负空间,有效地利用光、 底纹和呈现的力量的重要性。

另外,课程结束时还有一个项 14 天的挑战,旨在鼓励你,要养成每天拉。艺术家们的最大错误之一不上班。我的工作是让你兴奋绘图,使你具备的技能、 工具和技巧,将帮助你发掘到在你之内是非常了不起的艺术家。