教程英文名称:SkillShare Beginners 3D Modeling in Maya Sketches Come to Life
教程作者:Tabia Lees
Course name: Maya modeling for Beginners training video tutorials
Course English title: SkillShare Beginners 3D Modeling in Maya Sketches Cometo Life
Tutorial produced by institutions: SkillShare
Course length: 58 minutes
Course format: MP4
Tutorial using the software: Maya
Tutorial author: Tabia Lees
Course language: English
SkillShare Beginners 3D Modeling in Maya Sketches Come to Life
Ever wanted to turn a simple doodle into a fully 3D animated character? Take a journey with CG Artist Tabia Lees to pull your little creatures straight from their sketchbook into the third dimension! This entry-level class is perfect for designers, illustrators, and anyone interested in learning an awesome new skill! No prior knowledge or experience required!
生活技能初学者 3D 建模在玛雅草图来
曾经想要一个简单的涂鸦变成全 3D 的动画人物?考虑旅程与 CG 艺术家地区不稳定性酒糟来拉你的小生灵直其写生簿中的第三个层面!此入门级的类是完美的设计师,插画师,和任何人有兴趣学习一种令人敬畏的新技能!没有先验知识或经验的要求!