Thinkbox KrakatoaMX For 3DS Max | 37 MB
KRAKATOA™ MX is Thinkbox Software's production-proven Volumetric Particle Rendering, Manipulation and Management Toolkit for Autodesk 3ds Max.
It provides a pipeline for acquiring, caching, transforming, modifying, deforming, culling, shading and rendering vast quantities of particles at unprecedented speed to represent natural phenomena like dust, smoke, silt, ocean surface foam, plasma and even solid objects. Krakatoa™ integrates well with Particle Flow, the flexible 3ds Max built-in Event-Driven Particle System, and provides data exchange capabilities for sharing particles with other 3D and simulation applications.
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Thinkbox KrakatoaMX 3ds 最大 |37 MB
喀拉喀托 ™ MX 是 Thinkbox 软件生产证明体积粒子渲染、 操纵和管理工具包欧特克 3dsMax。
它提供管道获取,缓存、 转换、 修改、 变形、 扑杀、 底纹和呈现大量的粒子以前所未有的速度来表示自然现象像尘埃、 烟雾、 淤泥、 海洋表面泡沫、 血浆和甚至固体物体。喀拉喀托 ™ 结合好粒子流,灵活的 3ds Max 内置的驱动粒子系统,并为与其他 3D 和模拟的应用程序共享粒子提供数据交换功能。