PhotoDirector结合所有专业相片创意编修所需功能,包含高效率相片管理、全方位相片调整及创意编修工具。而PhotoDirector 极致组合包中,包含两大影相产品:PhotoDirector 5极致版─全方位相片工作流程软件,以及ColorDirector 极致版─创意视频后制调色软件,一次拥有,无论是相片或视频,完美呈现您快门捕捉到的精彩画面!
PhotoDirector combines all the functions required for professional photocreative retouching, including efficient photo management, full range ofpicture adjustments and creative editing tool. PhotoDirector the ultimate combopackage, containing two photography products: PhotoDirector 5 the ultimateEdition-full range of workflow software photos and ColorDirector extreme-creative video color matching software, once owned, either photos or video,perfect your shutter speed to capture the highlights!
CyberLink PhotoDirector Suite 6.x Multilingual | 570 MB
PhotoDirector 6 Suite is a unique application that goes beyond photo editing and adjustment, with the inclusion of ColorDirector 3, providing advance color grading for videos. PhotoDirector 6 offers a streamlined workflow, efficient photo management, complete adjustment, and creative editing, while with ColorDirector you can apply pro-level color effects to bring your videos to life...............
Version 6.0.5903 Release Notes:
- Improves compatibility with some cameras.
- Fixes the missing effects encountered when saving an album as a new project.
- Fixes incorrect watermark position issue.
- Enhances program stability.
- Fixes issues with signing-in to DirectorZone when a password includes symbols.
- Fixes a hanging error when importing some .MP4 and H.264 AVCHD files.
- Resolves crashes for IE 11 users signing into DirectorZone or YouTube.
- Resolves missing video preview when using “Split View Mode” in Trim or Scene Detection.
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讯 PhotoDirector 套件 6.x 多语言 |570 MB
PhotoDirector 6 套房是一个独特的应用程序超出了照片编辑和调整,夹杂物 ColorDirector3,为视频提供预先的颜色分级。PhotoDirector 6 提供精简的工作流程、 高效照片管理、 全面调整和创意的编辑,而 ColorDirector 您可以将应用亲职色彩效果,给生活带来你的视频...
6.0.5903 版本发行说明:
-修复问题与签署到 DirectorZone 当密码包含符号。
-修正挂错误时导入部分。MP4 和 H.264 AVCHD 文件。
-解决崩溃为 IE 11 用户登录 DirectorZone 或 YouTube。