CG数据库 >> Preta3D Reality for Poser 4.2.0 WinMac

Preta3D Reality for Poser 4.2.0 WinMac的图片1

Preta3D Reality for Poser 4.2.0 (Win/Mac) | 161MB / 169 MB / 188 MB

Pret-a-3D is an independent software developer focused on applications for the DAZ Studio and Poser market. Pret-a-3D aims to create high-quality products that empower the 3D artist, while at the same time keeping the applications affordable.

New features

Support for Poser’s dynamic hair

Support for Poser 11

Support for Poser 11 Area light. Please note that using Reality’s own mesh lights will deliver better results

Reality-ready start scenes for PoserThe . These scenes come with lights and are optimized for Reality renders

Ability to revert a set of materials to their original state with one click

Improved conversion of the specular textures

Numerous improvements and fixes

Preta3D 现实难题 4.2.0 (赢/Mac) |161 MB/169 MB/188 MB

Pret a 3D 是侧重于应用 DAZ 工作室和难题市场独立软件开发商。Pret a 3D 旨在创建授权 3D 艺术家,同时保持应用程序的可负担得起的高质量产品。



支持难题 11

支持的难题 11 面光源。请注意,使用现实的网格灯将提供更好的结果

PoserThe 的现实准备开始场景。这些场景的灯光来和经优化以现实呈现


