CG数据库 >> Reallusion iClone 3DXchange 6.3.1218.1 Pipeline

Reallusion iClone 3DXchange 6.3.1218.1 Pipeline的图片1

3DXchange 是强大又快速的转档及编修工具,串联 iClone 与无数的 3D 素材。可汇入含动作的 skin-bone 角色及其动画后供 iClone 使用,亦能将 iClone 角色及动画汇出至其他 3D 应用软体与电玩引擎。更可由 Google 3D Warehouse、DAZ 3D 或 Poser 资料库汇入免费 3D 模型来无限扩充您的优质 3D 内容物收藏。

3DXchange is the powerful and quick-shift and retouching tools, iClone withnumerous 3D material in series. Into actions and animations for use iniClone the skin-bone role, to iClone roles and animation export to other 3Dsoftware and video game engine. More from the Google 3D Warehouse, DAZ 3D orimporting free 3D models Poser repositories to infinitely expand yourcollection of high quality 3D content.

Reallusion iClone 3DXchange 6.x Pipeline | 122.78 MB

3DXchange is a robust, streamlined conversion and editing tool that connects iClone to a universe of 3D content. Users are able to import bi-ped, animated skin-bone characters and their animations for use in iClone. They can also export iClone characters and animations to external 3D applications and video game engines. Moreover, 3DXchange 6 is enhanced with an optimized conversion performance and editing environment, ensuring that you an even faster and better user experience!

What’s New in 3DXchange 6:

Large Model Conversion (OBJ)

3DXchange 6 has Improved stability, allowing models with up to 1,280,000 faces to be imported smoothly. High-polygon OBJ models are now imported much faster than before!

Merge Identical

The Merge Identical feature gives users a big performance boost over 3D models composed with multiple meshes sharing identical materials. By combining mesh nodes sharing the same materials into one object, 3DXchange 6 greatly reduces repetitive draw calls for a better real-time performance. (This feature only support .skp files, other formats will be included for later updates.)

Interactive Lighting & Scene Mode Selection

3DXchange 6 provides 4 different scene modes for users to preview the converted model with enhanced visual preferences. Just like iClone, you can hold the "/ " key to intuitively adjust the light angle for better observation of model details.

Scene Tree Show / Hide

Often, you will have both 3DXchange and iClone open on the same desktop. The Scene Tree on/off toggle gives users flexibility in maximizing the 3D view size while keeping a minimized window scale.

Smooth LipSync 2.0 - Phoneme Pairs

Get away from jumpy, artificial, one-sound-to-one-shape lip-syncing. It’s time to give all your 3D characters a more natural talk with this newly introduced phoneme pairing solution. With greatly enhanced mouth movements governed by pairing 8 lip-dental shapes, 7 tongue positions, and mouth width, blended in varied time curves to represent more natural transitions between 240 possible phoneme combinations. The new lip mapping system will be supported in 3DXchange 6.2.

Direct Access to Free 3D Assets in Sketchup 3D Warehouse

The most classic and exciting feature of 3DXchange, is that it allows you to get free access to millions of 3D models for prop and scene creation. Now 3DXchange 6 is compatible with all versions of Sketchup files. Simply import any file downloaded from 3D Warehouse, without the hassle of prior format conversion using Sketchup.

Support External Tools in the Latest Version

Whether you’re indulging in game development, model build-up, CG design, or motion creation, 3DXchange has been updated to support external tools, to ensure that you enjoy these up-to-date functions.

System Requirements:

- iClone 3DXchange supports Win XP SP2 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10.

Reallusion iClone 3DXchange 6.x 管道 |122.78 MB

3DXchange 是一个健壮的、 流线型的转换和 iClone 连接到一个宇宙 3D 内容的编辑工具。用户还可以导入 bi ped、 动画皮肤骨字符和它们在 iClone 中使用的动画。他们也可以将 iClone 字符和动画导出到外部的 3D 应用程序和视频游戏引擎。此外,3DXchange 优化的转换性能和编辑环境,确保你甚至更快和更好的用户体验增强6!

什么是新的 3DXchange 6:

大型的模型转换 (OBJ)

3DXchange 6 提高了稳定性,允许与达 1,280,000 的脸要顺利导入的模型。高多边形OBJ 模型导入现在比以前快得多!


合并相同的功能在多个网格共享相同的材料组成的 3D 模型的同时,为用户提供一个大的性能提升。通过结合网格节点到一个对象,3DXchange 共享相同的材料 6 大大减少了重复绘制调用更好的实时性能。(此功能只支持.skp 文件,其他格式将包括为随后的更新)。


3DXchange 6 提供用户预览增强视觉偏好转换的模型 4 不同的场景模式。就像iClone,你可以按住"/"键可直观地调整光照角度为更好的观察模型的细节。


通常情况下,你会在同一桌面上有 3DXchange 和 iClone 开放。关闭切换场景树为用户提供了最大化的 3D 视图大小,同时保持最小化的窗口规模的灵活性。

光滑的口型同步 2.0-音素成对

摆脱神经质、 人工、 一个声音到一个形状后舍。现在时机已到,要给你所有的 3D 人物更自然的说话与这个新推出的音位配对的解决方案。与大大增强的嘴唇的动作受配对8 唇牙形状 7 舌位置和口宽度,混合不同的时间的曲线,代表 240 可能音素组合之间更自然过渡。新的唇映射系统将支持在 3DXchange 6.2。

免费 3D 资产都会为之着迷 3D 仓库中直接访问

3DXchange,最经典和最激动人心的功能是它允许您免费获得数以百万计的 3D 模型的道具和场景的创建。现在 3DXchange 6 是兼容都会为之着迷文件的所有版本。只需导入从 3d 模型库,事先格式转换使用都会为之着迷,免去下载任何文件。


是否你沉迷于游戏开发、 模型集结、 CG 设计或运动创造,3DXchange 已更新以支持外部工具,以确保你享受这些最新的功能。


-iClone 3DXchange 支持赢得 XP SP2 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10。