CG数据库 >> 音效素材Impаct Soundwоrks Shreddage 2 KONTAKT

音效素材Impаct Soundwоrks Shreddage 2 KONTAKT的图片1

Impаct Soundwоrks Shreddage 2 KONTAKT | 2.92 Gb

The ultimate rock/metal electric guitar instrument is here! Shreddage II covers the entire range of lead AND rhythm playing - every fret, every string, and tons of articulations. A powerful interface allows for easy playing and deep customization. With the included Kontakt Player and ReValver HPse, you'll have everything you need to SHRED.

Welcome to Shreddage II: Absolute Electric Guitar. This virtual guitar for Kontakt is the ultimate weapon for rock & metal music, built from the ground up for realistic playing in any hi-gain style. All samples were recorded on a 7-string guitar and are provided clean/DI so you can use your own custom amp tone - or use the included Peavey ReValver HPse.

Want to write blazing leads and screaming solos? No problem. Crank the pitch bend up, use one of four vibrato modes, and shred to your heart's content. Need some ultra-chunky rhythm chugs? S2 features both single-note and powerchord palm mutes with up to 5 layers and 8 variations each, offering superior realism and maximum options.

Impаct Soundwоrks Shreddage 2 开播 |2.92 Gb

终极摇滚/金属电吉他乐器就在这里!Shreddage II 涵盖整个铅和节奏玩-每个烦恼,每个字符串和关节吨。功能强大的界面允许容易玩,和深自定义。随着包括开播球员和 ReValverHPse,你得一切你需要切丝。

欢迎来到 Shreddage II: 绝对的电吉他。开播这虚拟吉他是摇滚与金属的音乐,从现实玩任何-增益风格建造的终极武器。所有样品录得 7 弦吉他,并提供清洁/DI,所以您可以使用您自己的自定义 amp 口气-或者使用包括的 Peavey ReValver HPse。

想要写炽热的线索和尖叫独奏?没关系。曲柄的弯音,使用四种颤音模式之一,撕碎你的心的内容。需要一些超矮矮胖胖的节奏查格丝?S2 功能单注意和 powerchord 棕榈静音达 5 层和 8的变化每个,提供优越的现实主义和最大的选项。