CG数据库 >> 音效素材BigSwingFace Big Swing Grand 2.0 KONTAKT

音效素材BigSwingFace Big Swing Grand 2.0 KONTAKT的图片1

BigSwingFace Big Swing Grand 2.0 KONTAKT | 4.35 Gb

The Big Swing Grand for Kontakt 5 was designed to be the best, warmest, cleanest and most importantly, most playable piano sample available. Created by a pianist, “road tested” on gigs and sessions, much effort and many innovations went into this project.

All 88 notes were sampled using a hand-made calibrated key-playing device lovingly known as “Ted Stryker.” The use of this consistent striking force allows for very accurate dynamics. The velocities were calibrated to be approximately 2db apart in volume, and range from triple-forte (as hard as is possible) to the point of barely triggering at all.

This yields the true dynamic range of 33db, much wider than the typical sample set, and completely faithful to the true touch of the instrument. There are 16 velocities on most notes. These samples were left at their natural volumes, rather than “normalized,” to ensure absolute accuracy. Careful programming allows for smooth transitions between the velocity zones.

Once the samples were recorded, we put the “Stryker” device to work on MIDI keyboards. One feature of the device was the ability to measure touch-weight and key-travel time; on the grand, this was measured for every velocity, and then reproduced on the digital keyboard. For the first time, the touch response of a MIDI controller has been calibrated to match that of a real, highly regulated grand.

This 7-foot piano was tuned repeatedly during the weeks-long sampling process, with the multi-string unisons touched-up for each note prior to sampling. This “tight” tuning is necessary for complex jazz harmony; too much “beating” between strings adds a “blur” to lines and chords.

The goal here: a chime-like focus. All strikes of a single note were recorded in one session to avoid any pitch-drift between velocities. All notes were allowed full decay time, sometimes as long as 40 seconds. EQ is provided in the user interface, carefully tuned to the various “character” frequencies.

BigSwingFace 大摆动盛大 2.0 开播 |4.35 Gb

大摆动盛大开播 5 设计是最好的最热烈、 最清洁和最重要的是,最右演奏钢琴样品可用。创建的钢琴家,"路考"演出和会议,多努力,许多创新走进这个项目。

所有 88 笔记被采样使用手工校准的键播放设备亲切地称为"泰德斯特赖克"。这一致的惊人力量使用允许非常精确的动力学。标定了速度,并将约 2db 分开在体积,其范围从三复 (尽是可能) 到几乎在所有触发点。

这将生成真正的 33db,远比典型的样本集,和完全忠实真正触摸到的仪器的动态范围。大多数的纸币上有 16 速度。这些样品被留在他们的自然卷,而不是"归一化,"以确保绝对准确。仔细编程允许速度区之间的平稳过渡。

一旦录得的样品,我们把"斯瑞克"设备 MIDI 键盘上工作。该设备的一个特点是能够测量触摸重量和关键旅行时间;在盛大,这是每个的速度,测量,然后在数字键盘上再现。第一次,已校准触摸响应的 MIDI 控制器以匹配一个真正的、 高度调节的隆重。

这个身高 7 尺钢琴反复调试在为期数周采样过程中,与多字符串受难者感动了为每一个音符之前采样。这个"从紧"的调整是必要的复杂的爵士乐和谐;太多"打"字符串之间添加线条和和弦"模糊"。

这里的目标: 类似编钟的焦点。在一个会话,以避免任何球场漂移速度之间录得所有罢工的一个音符。所有的笔记都允许充分衰减时间,有时只要 40 秒。情商被提供在用户界面中,仔细的调整到不同的"性格"频率。