CG数据库 >> 音效素材Samplephonics Nevo Analogue Machines KONTAKT

音效素材Samplephonics Nevo Analogue Machines KONTAKT的图片1

Samplephonics Nevo Analogue Machines KONTAKT | 3.9 Gb

Our goal was to create something as close to the analogue sound as possible, and keep it simple, functional, and straight to the point. We wanted all sounds to be solid and ready to use. Put simply, we wanted it to sound HUGE!

And we think we've done it! We're extremely proud of this hybrid synth and have found it an incredible experience to build, and to use. We teamed up with renowned producer Yoad Nevo, and spent months sampling away at his various analogue synthesisers. We owe a big thanks to Yoad for his expert synth advise and programming, and to everyone else involved in the production of this, especially Phil from Samplephonics, whose attention to detail and scripting expertise has enabled this idea to become a reality.

So after a year of programming, recording, editing, looping, designing, scripting, head scratching and preset building, here's what we ended up with: Sampled analogue waveforms from a Mini Moog, JX10, SH-101, Oberheim M6R, Juno 106 and a Korg MS10. Multiple round robin layers. Analogue style sequencer, arpeggiator, chord generator, custom stereo and chorus effects, envelopes, LFO's and more!

Samplephonics 去模拟机开播 |3.9 Gb

我们的目标是创造一些东西作为模拟声音,尽可能接近,并保持它简单、 功能,和直点。我们想要所有的声音是固体,并准备使用。我们简单地说,想让它声音巨大!

而且我们认为我们已经做到!我们非常自豪的这混合合成器,发现它令人难以置信的经验,打造,和使用。我们联手著名制片人 Yoad 去,花了几个月在他离开取样各种模拟及其揄扬。我们欠大由于 Yoad 他专家 synth 提供咨询意见和编程,并对每个人都其他参与制作的尤其是Phil 从 Samplephonics,其注重细节和脚本的专门知识已启用这个想法成为现实。

因此,经过一年的编程、 录制、 编辑、 循环、 设计、 脚本、 挠头和预设的建筑,这里是我们结束: 采样从迷你 Moog,JX10,SH-101、 朱诺 106、 Oberheim M6R Korg MS10 模拟波形。循环赛的多个图层。模拟的风格音序器、 琶音器、 弦发电机、 自定义的立体声和合唱效果、 信封、 低频振荡的和更多!