CG数据库 >> 音效素材Industrial Strength Live Sessions WAV MiDi REX Pro Tools

音效素材Industrial Strength Live Sessions WAV MiDi REX Pro Tools的图片1

Industrial Strength Live Sessions WAV MiDi REX Pro Tools | 3.29 Gb

Live Sessions is a fresh pack of funky breaks and grooves played by some of the world’s most sought-after studio musicians. From Industrial Strength Studios to your Daw, these samples deliver the dynamic presence of live Drums, Percussion Bass and more.

Nothing comes close to a great-sounding live instrument, which is exactly why we’re busting open this massive, versatile collection of live grooves to propel projects in DnB, Funky Breaks, Hip-Hop, Nu Soul, Funk, Nu Disco, Rare Groove and styles beyond.

Best of all, Live Sessions is primed for Pro Tools HD: Use 42 Avid Pro Tools 10 Templates—with Plugins, Stems, Busses Audio and Midi for Pro Tools HD & Native users—to remix, embellish and alter grooves. You can also write directly into the loop groove, add your music, write songs, overdub or swap in new sounds to create new grooves. If you’re learning how to use Pro Tools

工业实力生活会话 WAV MiDi 雷克斯 Pro 工具 |3.29 Gb

实战是一包新的时髦休息和槽由一些世界上最抢手的工作室音乐家演奏。从工业实力工作室给你昂山,这些样品提供活鼓、 打击乐低音和更多动态的存在。

没有比伟大冠冕堂皇活的文书,这也正是为什么我们要破坏开放活槽推进项目在 DnB、 时髦打破、 嘻哈、 怒江灵魂、 放克、 怒江迪斯科、 罕见槽和风格超越此大规模、 多功能集合。

最重要的是,生活会话是准备好在临工具高清: 使用 42 狂热临工具 10 模板 — — 与插件、茎、 总线音频和 Midi 临工具高清 & 本机用户 — — 混音、 修饰和改变槽。你也可以直接写入循环槽,添加你的音乐、 写歌、 配音或换用新的声音来创建新的槽。如果你在学习如何使用专业工具