Lynda - Revit Structure 2016 Essential Training
MP4 | AVC 297kbps | English | 1280x720 | 30fps | 2h 44mins | AAC stereo 160kbps | 1.03 GB
Genre: Video Training
Learn how to create accurate foundation plans and framing plans, with details such as brace frames and trusses, with Revit Structure 2016. Starting with referencing an architectural model, author Eric Wing shows how to create grids, set up views, add foundations, rebar, and framing, and create slopes, slabs, trusses, elevator pits, and a whole lot more. This course caters to members with little to no experience with Revit, as well as more advanced users that want to just jump to a topic of interest and start from there. Either way, this comprehensive course will teach you what you need to know to master Revit Structure.
Topics include:
* Linking architecture
* Creating levels and view templates
* Adding foundation walls, footings, and slabs
* Creating a steel frame
* Adding floors and slabs
* Reinforcing
* Adding steel brace frames
* Creating stairs and ramps
* Annotating a drawing
* Creating schedules
* Adding trusses
琳达-Revit 结构 2016年基本培训
MP4 |AVC 297 kbps |英语 |1280 x 720 |30 fps |2 h 44mins |AAC 立体声 160 kbps|1.03 GB
体裁: 视频培训
了解如何创建精确的依据计划和框架计划,与支撑框架和桁架,与 Revit 结构 2016年等详细信息。作者 Eric 翼入手引用建筑模型,显示如何创建网格、 设置视图、 添加基础、 钢筋和框架,创建斜坡、 板、 桁架、 电梯坑和一大堆更多。本课程迎合成员与小 Revit,没有经验,以及更多的高级用户想要只是跳转到感兴趣的话题,从那里开始。无论哪种方式,这一综合课程会教给你你需要知道主 Revit 结构。
* 连接体系结构
* 创建级别和视图模板
* 添加基础墙壁、 地基和板
* 创建钢框架
* 添加楼层和板
* 加强
* 添加钢支撑框架
* 创建楼梯和坡道
* 注释绘图
* 创建时间表
* 添加桁架