CG数据库 >> 音效素材Digital Redux Cinematic Dialogue WAV

音效素材Digital Redux Cinematic Dialogue WAV的图片1

Digital Redux Cinematic Dialogue | WAV | 2.27 GB

Cinematic Dialogue is a 4.6 GB sample library of spoken word samples intended to add a cinematic dimension and ambience to your productions and recordings. The library contains dialog from vintage movies, documentaries, historic speeches, and NASA's archives. The dialogue is arranged into categories such as sci-fi, drama, and horror movies, computers and technology, and NASA archives. This library is a very useful tool for producers of any genre.

This library is over 4.6 GB in size, with 340+ Audio Samples.


Historic Speeches: Some of the most important and historic speeches of our time

Nasa Archive: Mission control transcripts from various NASA missions

Technology: Clips from computer and technology documentaries

Vintage Cinema: Cinematic spoken word atmospherics and narrative from vintage cinema

Vintage Drama: Dramatic and tension building narravtive from vintage cinema

Vintage Horror: Vintage horror movie dialogue and spooky movie narrative

Vintage Sci-Fi: Vintage science fiction movie narrative

数字 Redux 电影对话 |WAV |2.27 GB

电影对话是口语的词样品 4.6 GB 样本库旨在将电影的维度和氛围添加到你的作品和录音。库包含对话框从老式的电影、 纪录片、 历史性的演讲和美国国家航空航天局的档案。对话被安排入类别科幻小说、 戏剧,和恐怖电影、 计算机等技术,和美国国家航空航天局档案。这个图书馆是非常有用的工具,任何流派的生产商。

这个图书馆是超过 4.6 GB 大小,340 + 音频样本。


一些最重要的、 历史性的演讲,我们这个时代的历史性的演讲:

美国国家航空航天局档案: 特派团控制成绩单从各种 NASA 的任务

技术: 从计算机和技术纪录片剪辑

老式电影院: 电影口语的词气氛和从老式的电影叙事

老式的戏剧: 戏剧性和张力建设从老式电影院 narravtive

老式的恐惧: 老式恐怖电影对话和幽灵般的电影叙事

老式的科幻: 复古科幻电影叙事