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Uartsy Sculpting Animals with Steve Lord

What this course will teach you

Sculpting creatures, both real and imagined, requires an in-depth understanding of animal anatomy, from the basic structure to the most intricate tissue connections. Mastery of this has proven to be both an invaluable asset and a challenging obstacle for many artists.

In this all new master class from legendary sculptor, Steve Lord, you will learn how to tackle all the challenges of sculpting complex animal anatomy and create dynamic creatures with high believability in ZBrush.

The 5 most important lessons:

Understand how to dynamically sculpt accurate animal anatomy.

How to sculpt detailed figures using advanced techniques.

Using real world animal anatomy, sculpt stunning and detailed fantasy creatures .

How to sculpt horse and canine anatomy from start to finish.

Uartsy 雕刻动物与 Steve 主



在这所有的新大师班,从传说中的雕刻家,Steve 主,您将学习如何应对所有的挑战雕刻动物解剖结构复杂和具有高可信度在 ZBrush 中创建动态的生物。

5 最重要的经验教训:



