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音效下载sound DUST Cloud Cello KONTAKT的图片1

sound DUST Cloud Cello KONTAKT | 1.5 Gb

Cloud Cello is the big brother (or sister, if you like) of the Cloud Viola. She's a deeply multisampled hybrid Kontakt sample library created from a ordinary 17th century classical stringed instrument, but played and recorded in an extra-ordinary way.

Cloud Cello opens up new orchestral-ish, cinematic tones and textures that sound both familiar and alien….in a good way. So, you take an unsuspecting cello, remove all the strings except one and place it in a stand. Instead of a conventional bow, use something with a bit more texture and bite - in this case, a ball of coarse garden string sounded best. Stringing a standard bow with garden twine doesnt work, you'd need an impossible 10 metre bow to play a smooth note (I know it's impossible because I tried to make one!).

After many experiments and cups of coffee, a retractable dog lead, an elaborate pulley system and a classic vintage fishing reel came to the rescue. This system can hold long lengths of string under tension and be drawn evenly over the cello string to produce a usable tone. Next step is to rig up some suitable mics. A contact mic near the bridge gave good body, and a large diaphragm condenser near the string picked up the 'grist'. Then using a capo for accurate tuning, thousands of passes were recorded to get enough samples for 5 x round robins per note plus conventionally bowed accents and col legno notes for extra flavour.

听起来尘埃云大提琴开播 |1.5 Gb

云大提琴是大哥哥 (或妹妹,如果你喜欢) 的云中提琴。她是一个深深多级的混合开播样本库创建从普通 17 世纪古典弦乐器,但演奏和记录在一种超乎寻常的方式。

云的大提琴开辟了新的 orchestral-ish、 电影的色调和纹理,听起来熟悉而陌生......的一个好方法。所以,你把不知情的大提琴删除只有一个除外的所有字符串,将它放在一个立场。而不是常规的弓,与更多的纹理和咬-在这种情况下,球听起来最好的粗花园字符串使用东西。穿线用花园细绳标准战弓不工作,你将需要是不可能的 10 米长弓来演奏光滑的注意 (我知道它是不可能的因为我想要一个!)。

经过大量的实验和杯咖啡,可伸缩的狗铅、 精心制作的滑轮系统和经典的老式鱼竿来到救援。该系统可以容纳长长的字符串在张力下,可得出均匀的大提琴的字符串以产生可用的音调。下一步是拼凑一些合适的中等收入国家。桥附近一个接触麦克风给了好的身体,和附近的字符串大振膜电容捡起这 '行 '的利器。为准确调谐,数以千计的通行证然后使用投诉警察课录得要足够的样本为 5 x 轮罗宾斯每注加常规地鞠了一躬口音和 col 莱尼奥笔记来提味。