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The Producers Choice Survival Drum Kit MULTiFORMAT | 662 Mb

Introducing 'Survival' - the latest high technology hip hop/urban drum samples, from The Producers Choice and Xclusive-Audio. Designed from the ground up to work quick with both Reason & NI Maschine/Mikro - but also available in .WAV format for use in ANY software/hardware.


100% Unique - hand crafted from scratch to bring you a totally new, fresh sound to your production aresanal. No reused, filler sounds. Crisp, clean drum samples - that 'hit' sound you come to expect only from The Producers Choice.

NI Machine/Mikro ready presets. We mapped the kits out into 22 seperate presets, ready for you to load into your Maschine.

Reason User? We got you covered, mapping out a full HQ reason refill so you can use this kit in a hurry!

.WAV - Also comes in full .WAV format for use with FL Studio, MPC, Logic Pro (In fact, almost ANY audio software/hardware)

A massive 1.14GB of 'One Shot' content. Everything from Kicks, Hats, Snares, Percs, Claps, Loops and everything in-between.

300+MB of drum loops constructed using this kit - in both .WAV and REX Formats

Killer Percussion - We really pushed the limits to bring you 144MB of incredible percussion hits in this kit. If your tracks are lacking in clean fills and percs, then this kit is for you.

The Kicks - Hate the feeling when you can't decide which kick to use? We just made life HARDER by packing this kit with 144

KILLER kick samples. Don't blame us when you can't decide which is best. They all sound so DAMN GOOD!

Snares & Claps - We packed 185 in here. No filler - you can hear the actual craftsmanship and work that went into 'Survival' - it truly has it's own feel.

LOUD - this kit is loud. We are talking radio ready, club ready commercial loudness.

生产者选择生存鼓套件繁多 |662 mb

从生产者选择和迪拜塔音频引入 '生存'-最新高科技髋关节跃点城市鼓样品。从地面开始设计快速工作与这两个原因与 NI Maschine/Mikro-但也可用在。在任何软件/硬件使用的 WAV 格式。


100%独特-手工制作从零开始,把你带到你的生产 aresanal 的全新的新鲜的声音。没有被重用,填料的声音。清脆,干净的鼓样本-'击中' 来指望只从生产者选择的声音。

泥机/Mikro 准备好预设。我们包映射到 22 单独预设,准备好你要加载到您的Maschine 中。


.WAV-也进来全。WAV 格式用 FL Studio,MPC,逻辑专业版 (事实上,几乎任何音频的软件/硬件)

大规模的 1.14 GB 的 '一枪' 内容。一切从踢、 帽子、 陷阱、 Perc,掌声、 循环和介于两者之间的一切。

300 + MB 的构造中都使用此工具包-循环鼓。WAV 和雷克斯格式

杀手的打击乐-我们真的承受的极限,给你带来的令人难以置信的打击乐命中 144 MB此工具包中。如果你的曲目都缺乏干净的填充和 perc,那么此工具包是为你。

踢-讨厌这种感觉,当你不能决定,踢来使用吗?我们刚才包装该试剂与 144 所作努力的生活


网罗 & 掌声-我们在这里装 185。无填料-你可以听到实际的工艺和走进 '生存' 的工作 — — 它真正有它自己的感觉。

大声 — — 本试剂盒是响亮的。我们在谈论无线电准备好了,俱乐部准备好商业响度。