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That Sound Drumline Deluxe Version | MULTiFORMAT | 2.49 GB

This is it, the search for DRUMLINE samples and loops is over. This THAT SOUND drum library contains classic tight marching snares, pitched tonal basses, multi-tenor drums, and hand cymbals that give you ultra realistic marching band drumline in your tracks. This library is designed for the music producer and artist who wants to layer or compose with these sounds. Hip-hop and Pop programmers will find ample ammunition to bring another level of energy to their tracks with detailed performances carefully crafted into instantly usable loops and hits.

For this unique sample pack THAT SOUND has partnered with Nashville’s Music City Mystique. MCM is the only 7 time World Champion theatrical percussion ensemble to give you the best library of its kind. DRUMLINE is a detailed collection of accurate Multi-hit drum line samples which are true to the drum and super dramatic in a track. MCM brought six of their best instructors and composers to the studio to make sure we captured the best possible performances of samples and loops.

THAT SOUND recorded five Tonal Basses, four Marching Snares, two Multi-Tenors, and two Hand Cymbals. Each drum group performance was recorded together for maximum thickness to the sound. DRUMLINE is mixed natural and wide so it feels like you are standing right in the room with the drums.

The DRUMLINE song loops are recorded as separate parts. You can mix-and-match the drum loop stems (Bass, Snare, Tenor, Cymbals) to create endless versions and combinations of the loops. We have recorded many styles and tempos varying from 70-160 and different straight and swing feels on certain loops.

DRUMLINE was recorded on a Neve VRP with a bunch of cool microphones and killer outboard at Sound Emporium in Nashville TN. Expertly mixed to give you the range of tones from full bass to perfectly detailed cymbals, DRUMLINE will be your secret weapon for maximum groove and impact.

Drumline Deluxe contains all samples, loops, rudiment loops, and presets for multiple platforms.


1500 + Total Samples (44.1 x 24 bit WAV)

Multiple Hits and Velocities and Rolls of:

5 Tonal Bass Drums (hard and puffy mallets) – Individual and Group Hits

Marching Snare Drum Group (12 total articulations)

Tenor Quads (hard and puffy mallets + articulations)

Hand Cymbals (11 total articulations)

Loops are presented as full arrangements of all instruments then broken apart as stems so you can use Bass, Snare, Tenor, or Cymbals as individual parts to mix and match.

over 400 individual Song Loops (wav & rex)

over 700 individual Rudiment Loops (wav & rex)

In multiple tempos from 70-80-90-100-110-120-130-140-150-160

Presets: Machine 2, Battery 4, Ableton Drum Rack, Logic EXS24, Reason Refill.

这听起来鼓乐豪华版 |繁多 |2.49 GB

就是这样,鼓乐样品和循环搜索就结束。这那声鼓库包含经典紧行军网罗,搭调低音、 多男高音,锣鼓手,给你超现实行进乐队鼓乐在你的轨道。这个库被专为音乐制作人和艺术家想要层或缀以这些声音。嘻哈音乐和流行音乐的程序员会找到充足的弹药,精心雕琢成立即可用循环和命中的详细性能的行踪带另一级别的能源。

为这个独特的样品包那声音已结成纳什维尔的音乐城市神秘感。MCM 是同类的只有 7 次世界冠军戏剧打击乐合奏,给你最好的图书馆。鼓乐是详细的收集准确的多重打击的鼓线样品是真实的鼓和超级戏剧性的轨道中。MCM 带了六张他们最好的教员和作曲家的工作室,为了确保我们捕获的样品和循环最佳的可能表现。

那声音录得五个色调低音、 四个行军网罗、 两多的男高音和两个手钹。最大厚度的声音一起录得每个鼓组性能。鼓乐是混合的天然和全所以感觉就像你就站在房间里和鼓。

鼓乐首歌循环记录作为单独的部分。你可以混合和匹配的鼓循环茎 (低音,网罗,男高音,钹)打造无休止的版本和循环组合。我们记录了许多风格和节奏不同从 70-160 和不同直和摇摆感觉某些循环。

鼓乐录在 Neve VRP 上与一群酷麦克风和杀手舷外的声音商场在纳什维尔 tn。 熟练地在混合来给你的色调范围从充分低音完全详细钹、 鼓乐将是你最大槽和影响的秘密武器。

鼓乐豪华包含所有样品、 循环、 雏形循环和多个平台的预设。


1500 + 总样本 (44.1 x 24 位 WAV)


5 色调大鼓 (硬又肿木槌) — — 个人和集团的命中

行进小军鼓组 (12 总关节)

股四头肌男高音 (硬又肿木槌 + 关节)

手钹 (11 总关节)

循环介绍作为然后分解为茎所以你可以使用低音、 网罗、 男高音或钹作为各个部分来混合和匹配的所有文书的全面安排。

超过 400 个人首歌循环 (wav & 雷克斯)

超过 700 个人的雏形循环 (wav & 雷克斯)

在多个的节奏,从 70-80-90-100-110-120-130-140-150-160

预设: 机 2 台,电池 4,Ableton 鼓架子、 逻辑 EXS24 原因笔芯。