CG数据库 >> 3DMotive – Advanced Scripting in Maya Volume 1

3DMotive – Advanced Scripting in Maya Volume 1的图片1

Duration 1h 57m Project Files Included MP4

Title: 3DMotive – Advanced Scripting in Maya Volume 1


In Advanced Scripting in Maya, we will use a real-world issue as a teaching case while developing automation and support an FBX exporter.  In the first module for this course we will discuss some basic philosophies about software design before we start writing our code. We will then begin our script by starting on some basic lower level functions and ending with the creation of our FBX export nodes. From there we will continue our script by designing all the procedures needed to handle exporting of rigged characters, setting our animation export settings, and managing anim layers per animation. We will also show how to set our FBX export settings and will end the second module with writing the actual calls to the FBX exporter using our animation. Next, we design our main UI, so all our export code will be easier to use. We will build a tabbed window so we can switch between model and animation export, and include such options as pop-up menus when we right-click for power users.  To wrap things up, we will add the functions needed to make our UI work;  we will create procedures that will automatically populate the UI depending on what is selected, procedures to support our pop-up menus, and eventually calling our export code.

持续时间 1 h 57 m 项目文件包括的 MP4

标题: 3DMotive-高级脚本技术在玛雅第 1 卷


在先进的脚本在玛雅,我们将使用一个真实世界的问题作为教学案例,同时发展自动化和支持FBX 出口国。本课程的第一个模块中我们将讨论一些基本的哲学软件设计前我们开始编写我们的代码。然后,我们将通过一些基本的低级别功能开始和结束与创建我们 FBX 出口节点开始我们的脚本。从那里,我们将继续我们的脚本通过设计处理导出的操纵字符,设置我们的动画导出设置和管理 anim 层的每个动画所需的所有程序。我们还将演示如何设置我们 FBX 导出设置,并将结束与写作对 FBX 出口商使用我们的动画的实际调用第二个模块。接下来,我们设计我们的主 UI,因此我们出口的所有代码都将更易于使用。我们将建立一个选项卡式的窗口,所以我们可以切换模型和动画的出口,和包括这种作为弹出式菜单的选项,当我们的电力用户用鼠标右键单击。为了将事情做完,我们将添加必要职能,以使我们的用户界面工作;我们将创建将自动填充到取决于什么是 UI 的程序选择,程序,以支持我们的弹出式菜单,并且最终调用我们出口代码。