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Sonokinetic Shahrazad KONTAKT | 3.93 Gb

We set a goal to capture the same mystic musical quality from the middle eastern musical heritage as represented in ‘Voices of Israel’ and ‘Desert Voice’. The Turkish clarinet is the ideal supplement to the aforementioned; a very versatile and vocalic melody instrument that reflects the microtonal system. The beautiful and mystic character of this sound will capture the imagination of your audience and take them on a 1001 nights journey or fly them through a land of fables and myths in a way that is unmatched in any other woodwind performance sample collection.

Within this collection we offer a full range of tempi ranging from 40 BPM to 180 BMP and a collection of melodic phrases in every western harmonic key from A to G#.

Our proven effective and convincing technique of merging highly professional and authentic performances into a flexible and user friendly instrument has brought us to the development of “Shahrazad”.

The musical quality in these melodic phrases is impossible to recreate with conventional multi sampled woodwinds. Especially microtonal transitions and lyrical passages will only sound convincing when performed live by a professionally trained and authentically schooled musician. Therefore we went a long way to find the most suitable performer for this collection of performances samples.

Nevertheless we also decided to invest in multi sampling, to provide the composer with all essential tools to create an original and fitting musical section into their music productions. Therefor you’ll find an authentic legato scripted multi samples section in this sample library.

We are proud to announce and release the next level in the Sonokinetic musical heritage collection. With “Shahrazad” we believe to provide the composer with a new and original musical context and language. Express yourself in new creative and authentic music textures that appeal to your imagination and creativity.

With “Shahrazad” the composer will find instant satisfaction. Since we composed and performed generic and consistent phrases this entire collection can be easily combined to create countless new variations on melodic passages. Throw in our Authentic Legato instrument and merge your own composing talent with the performances and the options are infinite.

Sonokinetic 系列开播 |3.93 Gb

我们设定一个目标捕获相同的神秘音乐素质从中东音乐遗产所代表的以色列的声音 '和' 沙漠声音 '。土耳其的单簧管是理想的补充上述;反映了微音程系统非常多才多艺和元音的旋律乐器。这种声音的美丽和神秘字符将捕获你的观众的想象力和带他们上 1001年夜段旅程或飞他们通过土地的寓言和神话是木管乐器性能样本集合中不匹配的方式。

此集合内我们提供全套的先手从 40 BPM 到 180 BMP 和的旋律词组中每个西方的谐波密钥从A 到 G # 集合。



然而我们也决定投资多采样,提供所有必须的工具来创建原始和拟合的音乐部分纳入其音乐作品的作曲家。因此你会发现真实的 legato 脚本的多示例一节在此样本库中。

我们很荣幸宣布和释放 Sonokinetic 音乐遗产集合中的下一个级别。与"系列"我们相信,作曲家提供一个新的和原有的音乐背景和语言。表达自己在新的创意和正宗的音乐纹理来吸引你的想象力和创造力。

与"系列"作曲家将找到满足感。因为我们创作及演唱泛型,一致的短语可以轻松地组合这整个集合上旋律段落创建无数新的变化。扔在我们正宗 Legato 仪器和合并自己的创作与表演人才和选项都是无限。