Producer Loops Commercial Hip Hop Vol 3 ACiD WAV REX | 638 Mb
'Commercial Hip Hop Vol 3' continues this series of cutting-edge modern Hip Hop arrangements, featuring five Construction Kits inspired by Drake, Kendrick Lamar & Kanye West. Featuring a range of contemporary Urban piano, synth, percussion and drum samples, you're sure to find inspiration in this versatile pack. One-shots, dry loops and FX tails are included for added flexibility.
Each of these five Kits covers a wide range of instrumentation, from deep sub basses to vocal chops and fragments and a wide range of ambient, melodic and chord elements. Banging percussive loops underpin each track and drum One-Shots are included, allowing you to create new complementary beats.
• 5 Construction Kits
• Synthesized, vocal and electronic instrumentation
• ACIDized WAV Files
• REX2 Loops
• Loops sync to BPM
• 44.1 kHz/24-Bit
• PC/Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free (No Exceptions)
制片人循环商业嘻哈 Vol 3 酸 WAV 雷克斯 |638 mb
' 商业 Hip Hop Vol 3' 继续这一系列的尖端现代的Hip Hop 安排,设有五个工程成套德雷克,肯德里克奥多姆 & Kanye West 的鼓舞。提供一系列的当代城市钢琴、 合成器、 打击乐和鼓的样本,你确定这多才多艺的包中找到灵感。一个镜头,干燥循环和 FX 的尾巴,包括为增加灵活性。
每个这些五包涵盖广泛的仪器仪表,从广泛的环境温度、 旋律与声乐排骨和碎片深亚低音和和弦的元素。发出的声响撞击式循环巩固每个轨道和鼓一个镜头都包括在内,允许您创建新的互补节拍。
• 5 工程成套
• 合成,声乐和电子仪器仪表
• 酸化 WAV 文件
• REX2 循环
• 循环同步到 BPM
• 44.1 kHz/24 位
• PC 和 Mac 兼容
• 免版税 (没有例外)