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音效下载Cakewalk Rapture Session Factory Content v2.0.8 WiN的图片1

Cakewalk Rapture Session Factory Content v2.0.8 WiN | 2.78 Gb

We've compiled some of the best and most sought-after sounds from Rapture Pro in a simple, streamlined interface. An easy to use synth powered by the sounds of Rapture Pro.Sounds from pro sound designers. 11 Instrument categories, hundreds of presets plus Instrument Page for live performance.


狂喜会话工厂内容 v2.0.8 赢的小菜 |2.78 Gb

我们整理了一些从狂喜临在一个简单、 精简界面的最佳和最受欢迎的声音。易于使用 synth 由狂喜Pro.Sounds 从临响设计师的声音。11 仪器类,数百个预设加仪器页为现场表演。

Cakewalk.Rapture.Session.Factory.Content.v2.0.8 R2R