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Puremagnetik Synth700

Live 9: 311 MB | Logic: 307 MB | KONTAKT: 307 MB

Synth700 is a complete Korg 700 multisampled instrument for Ableton Live, Kontakt and Logic. It has been expertly sampled and programmed with all of the details and nuances of the original.

Synth700 is constructed with over 1200 individual samples from an original MiniKorg 700. The filters, waveforms, chorusing, brightness and more have all been captured using Puremagnetik’s permutative technique, allowing the user to focus the sound directly on individual parameter settings - much like one would do with the original analog model.

Don’t let the single instrument or 8 Macros fool you. Synth700 is actually quite complex. There are over 256 individual parameter configurations based on what you dial in on the Macro controls. You just have to start fiddling around to get some great pads, synth strings/brass, basses and more!

The Ableton Live version of Synth700 includes a full and “Lite” version. The full version includes 10 individual racks with hundreds of samples each, enabling the user to dial in specific sounds with precise resolution.

Puremagnetik Synth700

生活 9:311 MB |逻辑: 307 MB |开播: 307 MB

Synth700 是一个完整的 Korg 700 多级采样的仪器 Live、 开播和逻辑。它已被熟练地采样和编程的所有细节和细微差别的原始。

Synth700 被采用从原来的 MiniKorg 700 1200年个别样品。过滤器,波形,合唱,亮度和更多已全部被抓获使用 Puremagnetik 的 permutative 技术,允许用户直接侧重于声个人参数设置-多像一个会做与原模拟模型。

不要让单一的文书或 8 宏愚弄你。Synth700 是实际上相当复杂。有超过 256 单个参数配置基于你拨入上的宏观调控措施。你只需要开始闲着,要得到一些伟大的垫,synth 字符串/黄铜、低音和更多!

Synth700 的 Live 版本包括一个全和"精简"版。完整版本包括 10 个单个机架与数百个样品,每个启用用户拨入特定的声音与精确的决议。