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Puremagnetik MalletPak Three

Live 9: 356 MB | KONTAKT: 355 MB

Multi-sampled Glockenspiel and Stonaphone mallet instruments. Includes over 600 individual samples and 12 advanced programs.

The Glockenspiel has been used in classical concert and marching ensembles for decades, but it has also seen extensive use in pop music. From Jimi Hendrix to Rush to modern Indie Folk, the Glockenspiel provides a percussive sprinkling of metallic tones. Due to its small and portable size, the Glockenspiel has become the most common mallet instrument used in popular music today.

The Stonaphone is an oddity, seldom seen or heard. Made of roofing slate on a mahogany base, the tone of the Stonaphone is vastly different than the metal bars of the Glockenspiel.

For MalletPak Three, Puremagnetik has multi-sampled both instruments extensively and created multiple patches recreating the instruments in natural form. Beyond these standard patches there are layered combinations of metal and stone together, infinite sustained resonant patches, electrified variants, reversed mallet strikes and key-up triggered patches to allow for easy emulation of mallet “rolling”.

Puremagnetik MalletPak 三

生活 9:356 MB |开播: 355 MB

多采样的铁琴和 Stonaphone 槌文书。包括超过 600 个别样品和 12 先进的计划。

钟琴曾经在古典音乐会和行军合奏中几十年来,但它也有在流行音乐中的广泛使用。吉米 · 亨德里克斯到奔向现代独立民间,从铁琴提供金属色调撞击式喷灌。由于体积小,便于携带,铁琴已成为最常见的槌仪器目前使用的流行音乐。

Stonaphone 是一个怪胎,很少看到或听到。制成的屋面瓦板桃花心木的基础上,Stonaphone的基调是比铁琴金属酒吧大大不同。

MalletPak 三,Puremagnetik 具有多重采样仪器广泛和创建多个修补程序重新创建自然形式的文书。这些标准的修补程序之外有分层的组合的金属和石头一起,无限持续谐振补丁、 电气化的变形、 反的槌罢工和键向上触发修补程序,以便容易仿真的槌"滚动"。