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Audio Masters Complex Electro Funk | WAV AiFF | 1.05 GB

'Complex Electro Funk' by Audio Masters blasts off with this stunning collection of superbly designed sounds. Produced to an exceptional standard and set to be an instant hit, this product features fat analogue leads, hard hitting stabs, modulated funk leads and more.

Sound Design & Production

This product was designed & recorded using some of the best analogue equipment on the market, such as Moog Voyager, Modal Electronics 02, Access Virus TI, Sequential Circuits Prophet 6, Elektron Analog Four & Analog Rytm, Jomox Xbase 999 and more.

The majority of the sounds have been routed through Drawmer 1978 compressor, using an Apogee Symphony AD/DA to give them an additional warmth and punch.

Dry Construction Kits & Processed/Tail Versions

Included are dry versions of each Construction Kit, featuring the instrumentation without any reverb, delay, compression or panning/stereo Iimaging, allowing producers to apply an effect processing of their choice. This pack also features the processed versions of these Kits with the effect/tail processing as heard in the audio demo. A selection of outboard effect processors were applied to these tail versions, giving them unparalleled warmth and dimension.

Synth Loops & Drum Loops

Unprocessed synth loops are also included, containing the key, BPM and Construction Kit in their names. These were added to help producers to implement any synth sound into their own tracks by simply dragging and dropping the files into their DAW. Additionally, this product comes with a separate folder with all five drum kits, including kicks, snares, percussion loops & hats.

MIDI Files

This pack also benefits from MIDI data for the majority of the musical phrases, heard in the audio demo. MIDI files provide an additional flexibility with layering and gives the option for producers to use the included loops and Construction Kits in combination with their own sounds.


• WAV, AIFF/Apple Loops & MIDI Formats

• 5 Extended Audio Construction Kits

• Dry and Processed/Tail Versions

• 256 Construction Kits Files in Total

• 99 Synth Loops

• 35 Drum Loops

• 5 MIDI Construction Kits

• 53 MIDI Files in Total

• 100% Royalty-Free

• 24-Bit/44.1kHz

• Compatible with all DAWs

音频大师复杂电放克 |WAV AiFF |1.05 GB

复杂电放克 ' 音频大师升空与这惊人的设计华丽的声音收藏。生产特殊标准和一套要一炮打响,此产品特点油脂模拟物带领,打击刺伤、 调制的放克线索和更多。


本产品设计了 & 记录使用的一些最佳模拟设备在市场上,如 Moog 航海家、 模态电子02、 访问病毒 TI、 时序电路先知 6、 莱科模拟四 & 模拟 Rytm、 Jomox Xbase 999和更多。

绝大多数的声音有路由通过 Drawmer 1978 压缩机使用远地点交响乐 AD/DA 给他们额外的温暖和冲床。


包括干版本的每个施工工具包,设有仪器没有任何的混响、 延迟、 压缩或平移立体声Iimaging,允许生产者应用他们的选择效果处理。此包还具有影响/尾处理在音频演示一听到这些工具包的加工的版本。舷外效果处理器选择了适用于这些尾巴版本,给他们无比的温暖和维度。

Synth 循环及循环鼓

未加工的合成回路也被包括,包含键,BPM 和施工工具包在他们的名字。这些被添加以帮助生产者通过简单地拖拽文件到他们昂山入自己的轨迹执行任何合成器的声音。此外,本品有单独的文件夹中的所有五个鼓包,包括踢、 陷阱、 打击乐循环 & 帽子。


此包还得益于音乐的短语,听到音频演示中绝大多数的 MIDI 数据。MIDI 文件提供额外的灵活性与分层和给出选项来生产者使用包括的循环和工程成套结合他们自己的声音。


• WAV、 AIFF/苹果循环 & MIDI 格式

• 5 扩展音频工程成套

• 干燥和加工的尾巴版本

• 256 施工工具包文件总数

• 99 synth 循环

• 35 循环鼓

• 5 MIDI 工程成套

• 53 MIDI 文件总数

• 100%免版税

• 24 位 / 44.1 kHz

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