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F9 Audio Forte Piano Chords Vol 1 Club Classics KONTAKT | 744 Mb

F9 Forte Piano Chords - A Groundbreaking new way to work with Piano. If you ever wanted to build a build a huge, rich Piano Riff for your next production but lack the Musical knowledge and Keyboard agility then you need Forte Piano Chords from F9 - 12 musical sets of chords laid out across your Midi controller of choice.

All the chords in each of the 12 sets have been split between BASS note and MID Chord voicing (normally played with right hand). This makes them perfect for creating the kind of classic piano riffs that have spanned every major era of Electronic dance music since Disco. Additional FULL chords allow for one finger building of chord sequences whilst the TOP section of the pack adds some magic high octave dust to proceedings.

The next problem many producers face when adding piano to their track is: the sound. James Wiltshire of Freemason has EQ’d, compressed, parallel processed and carefully overdriven his way through every single one of these sounds bringing 15+ years of experience in modern piano recording & processing to the table. These chords will set in your tracks effortlessly and have been carefully controlled right from the raw recordings not to exhibit the “Ultra wide’ Problems of many piano libraries and have all the bite needed for modern production.

Each patch for Logic, Ableton, Kontakt , Maschine and Reason has been meticulously put together to bring out a particular favour of 40 years of dance music from the Sharp and powerful NYC disco Styled Midi Grand Piano Patches to a dusty old Lo-fi Upright (perfect for those Big Beat moments / Booties).

The Decay portion of the piano has been kept in full and as you will be triggering midi notes and there are absolutely no loops involved these chord sets work in absolutely any given tempo and genre. They even work perfectly with tempo changes.

This is not a subtle library. FORTE means play with force in classical terminology. Forte is a bank of huge sounding piano chords that will slice their way through any contemporary production & Mix.

F9 音频强音钢琴和弦 Vol 1 俱乐部经典开播 |744 mb

F9 福泰钢琴和弦-突破性新工作方式与钢琴。如果你想过要建立生成巨大、 丰富钢琴即兴重复段为您下次的生产,但缺乏音乐知识和键盘敏捷,那么你需要从 F9-复地钢琴和弦和弦音乐 12套奠定了跨你 Midi 控制器的选择。

所有的和弦的 12 台,每年有低音笔记和 MID 之间已拆分的和弦音 (通常用右手演奏)。这使得它们适合创造一种跨越每个主要的电子舞蹈音乐时代以来迪斯科的经典钢琴即兴演奏。其他全部是和弦允许的和弦序列的一个手指建设虽然包的顶部向程序添加一些魔术的高八度音尘。

接下来的问题许多生产者面临时添加到它们的轨迹钢琴: 声音。James 威尔特郡的共济会成员有情商,压扁,并行处理和仔细输出过度他穿过这些声音使 15 年以上的经验在现代钢琴记录与处理表中每一个人。这些和弦毫不费力地将你的轨迹和已仔细控制右从原始的录音,不能表现出"超广 ' 问题的许多钢琴图书馆和现代生产所需的所有咬都了。

每个修补程序的逻辑、 Ableton、 开播、 Maschine 和原因一直小心翼翼地放在一起,带出40 多年的舞蹈音乐特别青睐的夏普和强大纽约迪斯科风格满是灰尘的旧低保真直立 Midi 钢琴补丁 (适合那些大节拍时刻 / 赃物)。

钢琴的衰减部分一直在全和你将会触发 midi 音符以及有绝对没有循环涉及这些和弦集工作绝对任何给定的节奏和风格。他们甚至能完美的运行节奏的变化。

这不是一个微妙的库。复地意味着在古典术语力一起玩。复地是一家银行的巨大测钢琴音,将切片他们通过任何当代生产 & 混合的方式。