CG数据库 >> World Of Level Design – UE4 The Corridor Project Plus How to make custom decals

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World of Level Design  –  Unreal the Corridor Project

Title:World Of Level Design – UE4 The Corridor Project Plus How to make custom decals


World of Level Designs brings you

Go beyond UE4 beginner basics and learn how to use Unreal Engine 4 to construct an original environment.

Entire workflow from start-to-finish across 21 in-depth videos

Create “The Corridor” environment with this step-by-step guide and apply techniques to your own project

A set of custom Static Meshes included for you to use and follow along (31 Static Meshes)

How do you go beyond the basics of Unreal Engine 4 to create something original and unique?

Let’s face it, with Unreal Engine 4 you are only after one thing – to create your own game environments.

Once you’ve learned how to get around the editor and have used Starter Content to create a simple level – it is time to move past the basics.

Now, you may think that you are now ready for a completely custom game environment with all new self-created Static Meshes, and maybe you are. But unless you know how to use a 3d modeling application, creating your own models at this stage will lead you to a very steep learning curve which will take you away from Unreal Engine 4.

So what is the next project to do to get past the basics?

First Recommended Project was to create a small environment with Starter Content. The key to this first UE4 project is to keep it very small. Your primary goal is to learn Unreal Engine 4 functionality, fundamentals and principles of using this game engine. This was covered in detail in “UE4 Fundamentals”.

All files now included

世界级的设计 — — 虚幻的走廊工程

标题: 世界级的设计 — — UE4 走廊项目加上如何使自定义标记的



超越 UE4 初学者基础知识,并了解如何使用虚幻引擎 4 构建原始的环境。

从开始到完成跨 21 深入视频整个工作流


一组自定义静态网格包含供您使用和循 (31 静态网格)

你是如何超越基本的虚幻引擎 4 创建一些原始和独特的?

让我们面对它,与虚幻引擎 4 你看上的一件事 — — 创造你自己的游戏环境。

一旦你学会如何绕过编辑器和有用于起动器内容创建一个简单的水平 — — 它是时间移动过去的基础知识。

现在,你也许认为你现在是准备好与所有新自创建静态网格,一个完全自定义游戏环境,也许你就是。但是,除非你知道如何使用 3d 建模应用程序,创建您自己的模型,在这一阶段将导致你非常陡峭的学习曲线,会带你离开虚幻引擎 4。


推荐的第一个项目是与起动器内容创建一个小的环境。这第一个 UE4 项目的关键是要保持很小。你的主要目标是学会虚幻引擎 4 的功能、 原理和原则的使用此游戏的引擎。这被覆盖在细节中"UE4 基本面"。
