Precisionsound Victorini Accordion MULTiFORMAT | 688 Mb
The Victorini Accordion is a versatile Italian instrument with treble, bass, and chord registers. We captured not only its delicate and expressive voice, but also its many key and button noises. The result is a virtual Victorini that comes alive under your fingertips. Our scripted version for NI Kontakt 3+ (all versions from v3 to the latest) also enables creative chorus and harmony effects.
Victorini Accordion features:
- 812 24-bit stereo WAV files
- 1 program for Kontakt 3+ with scripted performance controls and GUI
- 2 programs for Kontakt 2+
- 2 programs for EXS24
- Individually sampled clarinet, bandon and bass voices
- Individually sampled major and minor chord registers
- Key up and down noises, button noises, and release samples
- 2 round robins
Precisionsound Victorini 手风琴繁多 |688 mb
Victorini 手风琴是多才多艺的意大利文书与高音、 低音和和弦寄存器。我们捕获不仅其精致而富有表现力的声音,但也它的很多的键和按钮噪声。结果就是都是活在你的指尖下虚拟 Victorini。我们脚本的版本为镍开播 3 + (所有版本从 v3 最新) 也使创造性合唱与和谐的影响。
Victorini 手风琴特点:
-812 24 位立体声 WAV 文件
-1 节目开播 3 + 与脚本的性能控制和图形用户界面
-开播 2 + 2 程序
-EXS24 2 程序
-键上下噪声、 按钮噪声和释放样品
-知更鸟轮 2