CG数据库 >> 音效下载Epic Stock Media – Organic Nature WAV

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Epic Stock Media - Organic Nature WAV | 1.31 Gb

Here’s an ultra flexible and practical collection of ambient nature sounds that perform in the clutch when you need to call on the sounds of Mother Nature. Face it you can go on out and get wet, frozen, sunburned, soaked and sweaty and keep on delaying your production by trying to capture some of these sounds yourself. With the Epic Sounds and FX Organic Nature ambient sound library you don’t even need to pack your umbrella. Just camp in your studio in the comfort of your own mixing desk and let mother nature speak in the form of more than 160 awesome ambient nature sounds.

This ensemble of pure source, raw and lightly edited field recordings works beautifully when set as the centerpiece of your ambient soundscapes. Just sweeten with your own elements and locale and create authentic environmental conditions that set the tone for great media experiences. The Epic Sounds and FX Organic Nature sound library includes premium quality audio assets and over 3 full hours of sound covering; beaches, birds, fire, forests, freezing rain, ocean, rain, summer nights, thunderstorms, winter, woodlands, and a morning snow shower as well.

Forget about messing with your umbrella and suntan lotion, let the Epic Sounds and FX Organic Nature sound effects library bring Mother Nature into your next game or media production. Includes the entire Epic Nature Loops collection too.


160+ files

2.1 GB

Includes the Epic Nature Loops Collection

All files in .WAV, 44,100, 16 Bit

Ambient Nature Sound Library with Over 3+ Hours

Field Recored in Tennessee, South Carolina, Washington State

Raw Source Recordings or Lightly Edited

Fire, Rain, Thunder, Freezing Rain

Ocean, Forests, Woods,

Winter, Spring, Summer Seasons

Long and Short Format Sound Clips

& More!

史诗般的股票媒体-有机自然 WAV |1.31 Gb

这里是当您需要调用在大自然母亲的声音在离合器中执行的环境自然声音超灵活和实用收集。面对现实吧你可以去上出去淋湿,冷冻,晒伤,湿透了,出汗和保持尝试捕捉一些这些声音自己拖延你的生产。与史诗声音和 FX 有机自然的环境声音库,你甚至不需要打包你的雨伞。只是营在你工作室在舒适的拥有混合的办公桌,让大自然母亲发言超过 160 令人敬畏的环境自然声音的形态。

这合奏的纯源,原料和轻已编辑的字段录音作品精美设置时为主题制作了你周围的声音。只是甜蜜与您自己的元素和区域设置和创建真实的环境条件,为伟大的传媒经验定下的基调。史诗的声音和 FX 有机自然声库包括保费质量音频资产和超过 3 充分小时的声音覆盖;海滩、 鸟、 火、 森林、 冻雨、 海洋、 雨,夏天的夜晚、 雷暴、 冬天、 林地及早上雪淋浴间。

忘了摆弄你的伞和防晒霜,让大自然母亲带入你下的游戏或媒体生产的史诗声音和 FX有机自然音效库。也包括整个史诗自然循环集合。


160 + 文件

2.1 GB


中的所有文件。WAV,44,100,16 位

环境自然声音库与超过 3 + 小时





冬天、 春天、 夏天季节

长、 短格式的声音剪辑
