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音效下载Chocolate Audio – The 88 Series – Model 7 Grand KONTAKT的图片1

Chocolate Audio - The 88 Series - Model 7 Grand KONTAKT | 8.03 Gb

The Model 7 grand piano was sampled from a Yamaha C7 grand coda piano. Our first idea was to sample a CFIII, but when we went to the rental-house we totally fell in love with this one and chose it. This particular piano has been in constant use since the '80s in two highly praised concert halls in Torino (Italy) and has been played by artists like Michel Petrucciani and Chick Corea along the years. This piano is under constant maintenance by highly-skilled italian technicians. We sampled this little-big monster of a piano in a medium-size hall surrounded by a smorgasbord of microphones.


We didn't settle for a single pair or a limited selection of microphones from the start, we wanted to make sure that the piano, after the sampling and editing process had the best chances to preserve its soul, something which can be hard to achieve. For this very reason, we used many more microphones than the ones we ended up with.

Choice of Microphones

These are the Mics we carefully selected after multiple playing and listening sessions on the edited samples:

a Schoeps CMC6 with MK4 cardiod capsules matched-pair placed at the player's position

a Royer 121 matched-pair placed inside the open-lid but at a healthy distance from the soundboard to pickup both the direct sound and the reflections from the lid thanks to their figure-8 patterns

a modded Oktava MK-012 spaced matched-pair, placed right above the strings

a pair of matched Neumann M149 mics to pick up the sound from a medium distance

巧克力音频-88 系列-模型 7 盛大开播 |8.03 Gb

从雅马哈 C7 盛大 coda 钢琴采样模型 7 大钢琴。我们最初的想法来样的 CFIII,但是当我们去租住的房子我们完全爱上了这一个,选择了它。此特定的钢琴以来经常使用两个 80 年代高度赞扬音乐厅在都灵 (意大利) 和艺术家像 Michel Petrucciani 和小鸡 Corea 多年来发挥。这架钢琴是由高度熟练的意大利技师持续加以维护。我们品尝一架钢琴,包围自助餐的麦克风一个中型大厅这小大怪物。


我们并没有满足于一双或有限的选择的麦克风从一开始,我们想要确保钢琴后取样和编辑过程的最好, 机会,保护它的灵魂,可能很难实现的东西。为此原因,我们使用了很多更多麦克风比我们而告终。



与 MK4 cardiod 胶囊配对 Schoeps CMC6 放在球员的位置

Royer 121 配对放里面打开盖子,但音板拾取健康距离直达声和由于其图 8 模式盖子上的反射

改装成 Oktava MK-012 间隔配对,放正上方的字符串

一对匹配的 Neumann M149 麦克风来拾取声音中距离