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音效下载Adam Monroe Music Slap Bass v1.1 KONTAKT VST AU的图片1

Adam Monroe Music Slap Bass v1.1

Kontakt Vst: 0.98 Gb | Au: 0.98 Gb

Adam Monroe's Slap Bass was sampled from a Fender Jazz electric bass guitar with Carvin J99 pickups and DR Hi-Beam bass strings directly into a Radial Pro48 DI Box. An extended range was obtained by tuning the E-string all the way down to a C. The low B (B0) of a standard 5-string bass was omitted do to "floppiness" from down-tuning.

"Slap" and "pop" articulations were carefully and meticulously recorded for each note, although in the extreme upper range of the bass, do to tension of the string, normal notes starts to become indistinguishable from a pop articulations. Regular notes were recorded with a guitar pick, in order to maintain a semi-percussive and metallic sound.

Regular pick notes were recorded in 5 note round-robin with 4 velocity layers. The velocity layers themselves don't have much of a dynamic range (between -7 -1 dB), as bass guitars are typically compressed signals that end up somewhat level in modern recordings. Slap articulations are 5 turn round-robin, but exist as one velocity layer. The decision was made to simply pick the best representations of a slap or pop sound, rather than mix in many different sounds, in order to achieve a "better" sounding vst instrument as opposed to a more "realistic" one.

Bass strings were periodically cleaned with denatured alcohol, as the metallic Hi-Beam sound tends to darken rather quickly. Pains were taken to ensure that the transition in tone between strings was minimized by selecting the best places to start sampling a new string. One octave of harmonics was achieved by selecting the best harmonic tones and tuning/detuning strings around these notes, thus it would be impossible to recreate these harmonics on a standard-tuned bass, but they do sound cool.

Slides were recorded for most strings, but were ommited for things like open strings, or when sliding down or up would overshoot standard tuning. Major Thirds and Perfect Fifths were chosen for the sake of usability. Slides were recorded at a tempo of 120 BPM.

亚当梦露音乐一巴掌低音 v1.1

开播 Vst: 0.98 Gb |非盟: 0.98 Gb

亚当 · 门罗一巴掌低音是径向的 Pro48 DI 框中直接取自挡泥板爵士乐电动低音吉他与卡文 J99 皮卡和博士喜梁低音弦。扩展的范围制得调谐到 C.E 弦省略了一个标准的5 字符串低音低 B (B0) 做为"睡梦"从向下调整。


经常拿笔记录得 5 注循环赛 4 速度层。低速层本身没有太多的动态范围 (之间-7-1 dB),因为低音吉他都有点水平在现代录音而告终的通常压缩的信号。一巴掌关节 5 轮循环赛,但作为一个低速层存在。决定只是挑的最好的一记耳光或流行的声音,表示,而不是混合在许多不同的声音,为了实现"更好"的探测 vst 文书,而不是一个更"现实"。


幻灯片录得大多数字符串,但被隐瞒事情喜欢开弦,或向上或向下滑动时将超标准调弦。主要的三分之二和完善五分之四被选为了可用性。幻灯片录的 120 BPM 的节奏。