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音效下载Imperfect Samples Steinway Walnut Concert Grand Pro KONTAKT的图片1

Imperfect Samples Steinway Walnut Concert Grand Pro KONTAKT | 7.25 Gb

The Steinway Walnut Grand Piano (pro) contains two mic perspectives. With 15 velocity layers of mic perspective 1, and 12 velocity layers of perspective 2, along with piano FX, sympathetic resonance, and true staccato articulations in both perspectives, the Steinway Walnut Concert Grand (pro) has more versatility than the (basic) package.

This is essentially two distinct Steinway Walnut Grand pianos in one package. Mic Perspective 1: From the player's position, for an organic warm sound Mic Perspective 2: Directly inside the instrument, for a clean sound. Treat this sampled piano library like a live instrument; mix the perspectives like you would a live recording. This instrument features the IS Advanced Engine, including damper simulation, a variety of sympathetic resonance, half-pedalling, and human FX controls. Included in the Steinway Walnut Grand (pro) package, you will find the following instruments:

Mic Perspective 1 (Warm, organic player sound): Steinway Walnut Grand (15 layers) Steinway True Staccato Steinway FX Mic.

Perspective 2 (Close, clean sound): Steinway Walnut Grand (12 layers) Steinway True Staccato Steinway FX.

不完美样品施坦威核桃音乐会大临开播 |7.25 Gb

Steinway 核桃大三角钢琴 (pro) 包含两个 mic 角度。通过麦克风角度 1,15 速度层和 12 低速层的钢琴 FX、 同情的共振,以及在这两个观点,真正断奏关节角度 2,核桃音乐会钢琴 (pro) 具有比 (基本) 包的更多通用性。

这是本质上是两个不同施坦威核桃大钢琴在一个软件包中。Mic 角度 1 ︰ 从球员的位置,为有机温暖声音麦克风角度 2 ︰ 直接里面的工具,干净的声音。对待此采样钢琴库像活的文书;混合的观点,像你那样的现场录音。该仪器的特点是先进的发动机,包括阻尼器模拟,各种同情共振,半蹬踏,和人类 FX 控件。包含在施坦威核桃大 (pro)包中,你会发现下列文书 ︰

Mic 角度 1 (温暖、 有机球员声音) ︰ 施坦威核桃大 (15 层) 施坦威真正断奏斯坦威 FX Mic。

观点 2 (干净声音关闭) ︰ 施坦威核桃大 (12 层) 施坦威真正断奏斯坦威 FX。