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音效下载AIR Music Technology Strike v2.0.7 WiN的图片1

AIR Music Technology Strike v2.0.7 WiN | 18.24 Gb

Strike is a dynamic drum and arranger instrument that features a world-class sample library and a hyper-realistic performance engine. Strike puts you in the producer’s chair, enabling you to create, control, and produce professional drum tracks with uncanny human realism. With its proprietary technology, Strike surpasses conventional MIDI programming and drumming sampling when it comes to computer-based playing, arranging, and mixing of drums. Use Strike to play a seamless crescendo, switch drum kits from ballad to crushed punk, or tweak the tuning of the snare drum. Each instrument was recorded with up to three close, two overhead, and two room microphones. Strike also provides a full mixing console, complete with built-in effects.

With Strike, you can create professional drum tracks by choosing one of the high-definition kits and telling Strike how to play: Adjust the intensity, complexity, timing, groove, and dynamics of your drum track — all in real time. Strike also supports automation enabling you to program or record changes to any one of its parameters: Connect a MIDI controller to tweak your performance on the fly using knobs, sliders, and drum pads and then play it back to hear dynamic results. Strike’s proprietary real-time performance engine eliminates the mechanized artifacts of typical sample-playback devices to deliver human results with unparalleled realism. The playing intensity can be increased to obtain a smooth dynamic response in the drum tone instead of audible velocity switches. With Strike, you can produce professional drum tracks that are impossible to create with conventional sampling technology.

Strike comes loaded with 19 customizable drum kits that were recorded at the world renowned Blackbird Studios in Nashville, Tennessee. Choose from an RnB acoustic kit, to a funky acid jazz kit, to a big reverb-drenched 80s kit. Strike lets you create your own custom drum patterns with the onboard Style Editor and can function as a drum module in your DAW. Additionally, Strike supports WAV and AIFF files so you can use your own custom sample libraries. Whether you compose soundtracks, pop tunes, or just need a drummer to jam along with on your guitar, Strike delivers human results with thousands of editable preset patterns in popular music styles.

To help you get the perfect drum sound, Strike includes a built-in mixing console for full control over every aspect of the kit. Change virtual microphone settings, such as room ambience and leakage, then take advantage of dedicated 3-band EQ and two insert effects per channel. The onboard effects range from dynamics and limiting to reverb and delay, plus specialized tools such as bit crusher and filter. The onboard mixer lets you easily adjust the overall level and panning for each drum, and route individual sounds to separate mixer channels in your DAW.


A dynamic drum and arranger instrument that features a world-class sample library and a realistic performance engine

Manipulate intensity, complexity, timing, groove, dynamics, and more

Smooth dynamics control without audible velocity switches

Supports WAV and AIFF files from your own sample libraries

Intelligently mapped drums for fast, interactive real-time arrangements

Doubles as a powerful MIDI drum module

Built-in virtual mixing console for full control over drum kit sound

Control room ambience, microphone levels/leakage, EQ, dynamics, and more

Dedicated EQ and two insert effects processors per channel compressor:

Limiter, tube saturation, distortion, bit crusher, filter, ring modulator, delay, reverb, phaser, chorus, and more

Support for discrete routing and mixing of each drum kit component

Audio and MIDI export for quickly creating drum loops and MIDI sequences in your DAW

MIDI Learn functionality allows easy mapping to MIDI controllers

* No iLok driver is required.

* Our release use less memory and loads faster than original.

* Includes custom installer and library placer.

Platform: WiN32/64 - VST/AAX(MODiFiED)

空气音乐技术罢工 v2.0.7 赢 |18.24 Gb

罢工是动态的鼓和编曲仪器,具有世界级样本库和一个超现实的表现引擎。罢工使你在制作人的椅子上,使您能够创建、 控制和生产专业鼓轨道以不可思议的人类现实主义。其专有的技术,罢工超越常规的 MIDI 编程和鼓乐采样,当它来到基于计算机玩、 排列和混合的鼓。使用罢工播放一个无缝的渐强,开关鼓包从民谣到碎朋克,或者调整优化小军鼓。每台仪器录与三贴近,两个开销,和两个房间麦克风。罢工还提供充分的混合控制台,配备内置的效果。

与罢工,您可以创建专业鼓轨道通过选择高清晰度工具包之一并告诉罢工如何发挥 ︰ 调整强度、 复杂性、 时机、 槽和你鼓轨道动力学 — — 都在真正的时间。罢工还支持自动化,使你能对任何参数之一,它的程序或记录更改 ︰ 连接一个 MIDI 控制器来调整你的表现上使用旋钮,滑块,飞和鼓垫,然后播放它听到动态结果。罢工的专有的实时性能发动机无人类结果提供无与伦比的逼真画面的典型采样回放设备的机械化的工件。玩的强度可以增加获得光滑的动态响应,在鼓音而不是声音速度开关。与罢工,您可以生成不可能创造与常规采样技术的专业鼓轨道。

罢工装有录得世界著名黑鸟工作室在田纳西州纳什维尔的 19 可自定义的鼓包。选择从 RnB 声工具包,对时髦的酸爵士乐工具包,到大的混响浑身湿透的 80 年代工具包。罢工允许您创建您自己的自定义鼓模式与板载样式编辑器和可以作为你昂山鼓模块的功能。此外,罢工支持 WAV、 AIFF 文件,因此您可以使用您自己的自定义样本库。是否您撰写原声音乐,流行的曲调,或只是需要一位鼓手,你在吉他上沿与果酱,罢工提供人类结果与几千个可编辑的预设图案的流行音乐风格。

为了帮助您得到完美的鼓的声音,罢工包括完全控制每个方面的工具包的内置混合控制台。更改虚拟麦克风的设置,如房间的氛围和泄漏,然后利用专用的 3 波段均衡器和每个通道的两个插入效果。板载的影响范围从动力学和限制对混响,延时,再加上专门的工具,如位破碎机和筛选器。板载混频器,可以轻松地调整的整体水平和为每一个鼓,平移和路由个别声音分离搅拌机频道在你昂山。

特点 ︰


操作强度、 复杂性、 时机、 槽、 动力学,和更多


支持 WAV、 AIFF 文件从您自己的样本库


双打作为一个强大的 MIDI 鼓模块


控制室氛围、 麦克风级别/泄漏、 情商、 动力学,和更多

专用的情商和两个插入每通道压缩机影响处理器 ︰

限幅器、 管饱和、 失真、 位破碎机、 筛选器、 环形调制器、 延迟、 混响、 相位、 合唱,和更多


音频和 MIDI 导出用于快速创建循环鼓和 MIDI 序列在你昂山

MIDI 学习功能允许容易映射到 MIDI 控制器

* 没有 iLok 驱动程序是必需的。

* 我们释放使用更少的内存和荷载比原来更快。

* 包含自定义安装程序和库砂金。

平台 ︰ WiN32/64-VST/AAX(MODiFiED)