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Prime Loops Dubstep Invasion MULTiFORMAT | 1.6 Gb

Take absolutely no hostages, cause maximum mayhem and make the "Dubstep Invasion" your mission! Equipped with this armoury - packed to the brim with dutifully manufactured, 24-bit professionally mastered, royalty free, tried, tested and polished dubstep weapons - you are more than ready to take aim at the heart of the trembling dancefloor. Then: Strike!

Going directly for your legs, bowels and mind, "Dubstep Invasion" is a gritty, 300Mb+ strong arsenal of jaw-dropping samples and neck-breaking loops, authored by Prime Loops' latest signing, highly skilled beat freak and producer MRK1! This infectious collection delivers the perfect foundation for any huge steppa: Bass - shaking the ground with ultra-low frequency force, Tricky percussion - wetting the sole of any riddim-hungry raver, Synth lines - guaranteed to make the crowd raise their arms with peak-time shivers being sent right up into their fingertips, and much more.

Whether you want to get your Bassnectar on with super-dope wobble-isms that get the juices flowing, aim with loaded laser guns at the international DJ jet set like Diplo, do the proper Skrillex Popstep remix treatment or levitate from the vaults of the underground like Magnetic Man - the world is yours with this absolute H-bomb of a sample and loop pack!

Hoover away on a whopping wave of hyper-modern sonic destruction: Subterranean thunder or morse signals coming from another galaxy. Super-dry claps or razor-sharp rims. Neon-lit snares or mind-boggling sweeps. Cutting stabs or FM synths colder than steel. Breaking shards of glass or voices from the next dimension. Sky-high drops or cave sounds that go deeper than some might want to. Sounds kind of scary? Well, it is!

As with all our other Prime Loops releases "Dubstep Invasion" will work on any setup - just let it conquer your workflow and get set to create epic tracks that will make Skream scream, Benga bang his head and Dygital Mystikz' Mala reach for his… well, you guessed it, his mala. One thing is for sure: At this level of top-notch quality and instant usability, topped

总理循环 Dubstep 入侵繁多 |1.6 Gb

绝对没有人质,造成最大伤害并使"Dubstep 入侵"你的任务 !配有此军械库-满满当当挤满了尽职尽责地制造,24 位专业掌握,免,版税试、 测试和抛光 dubstep 武器— — 你是超过准备瞄准颤抖舞池的心。然后 ︰ 罢工 !

"Dubstep 入侵"会直接为你的双腿、 大便、 心灵,是坚韧不拔,300 Mb + 强阿森纳瞠目结舌的样品和脖子打破循环,由总理循环最新签名,高度熟练打怪物和制片人MRK1 编写的 !此传染病的集合提供了完美的基础的任何巨大的化学元素 ︰ 低音-超低频率晃动地面力量,棘手的打击乐-润湿鞋底任何节奏饥饿妄语者,Synth 线-保证使举起他们的双臂与峰值时间不寒而栗送入右起他们的指尖,以及更多的人群。

是否你想要你的 Bassnectar 与超级涂料抖动 ism 让思绪流淌,目的用加载的激光枪对着国际 DJ 喷气机像外交,做适当的 Skrillex Popstep 混音处理或从像磁人地下的金库漂浮-世界是你与样品和循环的包这绝对氢弹 !

胡佛在超现代声波破坏高达波 ︰ 来自另一个星系的地下雷声或莫尔斯信号。超干掌声或锋利轮辋。霓虹陷阱或令人难以置信的清洁工。切割刺伤或 FM 合成器比钢冷。破碎玻璃或从下一维度的声音的碎片。天价滴或去比一些更深的洞穴声音可能想。听起来有点可怕吗?嗯,是的 !

与所有我们总理循环发布"Dubstep 入侵"将工作在任何安装程序-只是让它征服您的工作流以及获取设置打造史诗跟踪,将使 Skream 的尖叫声,猴山浜头和 Dygital Mystikz' 麻辣达到他......,你猜对了,他的麻辣。肯定的是 ︰ 在这个级别的顶尖质量和即时可用性,突破