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Loopmasters Man vs Machine MULTiFORMAT | 2.01 Gb

Loopmasters present Man vs Machine – A Tour de Dance of retrospective minimalist synths and vintage electronic drums, iconic melodies, auto rhythms, polyphonic sweeps and blissfully understated harmonies.

A must for Krautrock fans, Man vs Machine has been inspired by the sounds of pioneering electronic acts such as Kraftwerk and Can – where a meticulous attention to Synthesis and use of sonic space defined the Genre. Man vs Machine brings you Lush Pads, Smooth Leads, Sparse Arpeggios and Choppy Analogue Percussion alongside Futuristic Sound Effects.

Over 250 Loops make up the body of the pack with all the Synthwerk you need in the form of Bass, Arpeggios and Melodic Phrases. Each Drum Loop comes in two variants giving you maximum versatility in all sections of your track. Included One Hits cover Bass, Drums, Synths, Vocals (which have been suitably vocoded) and not forgetting the FX Hits, which are as diverse as they are vivid.

In detail expect to find 2.25 Gb of 24 Bit Wav content with 748 individual 24-Bit Wav samples. A whopping 516 Loops are included with 178 Arp Loops, 140 Bass Loops, 100 Drum Loops and 98 Phrase Loops. One hits samples are made up of 139 Drum & Perc Hits, 20 Bass Hits, 10 Vocal FX hits, 20 Synth Hits. 10 Kong Drum kits are provided for reason and 56 Software Sampler patches are included for NNXT, Halion, Sfz, Kontakt and Exs24.

A vast selection of Loops are provided in the Major keys of A, B, C, D, E, F, G at tempos between 110-120BPM. Man vs Machine is applicable in many electronic Genres, including Ambient, Electronica, Breaks, Synthwave, Chillout and more.

Return to the Computer World of 1970s-inspired electronica, where robots and man machines rule the radio waves. Download the Free Taster pack by logging into your Loopmasters account today!


24Bit 44.1KHZ

178 Arp Loops

140 Bass Loops

100 Drum Loops

98 Lead Loops

139 Drum Hits

43 Fx

20 Bass Hits

20 Synth Hits

10 Fx Vocals

575 Rex2 Files

56 Soft Sampler Patches

Loopmasters 人 vs 机器繁多 |2.01 Gb

Loopmasters 目前人 vs 机器 — — 游德舞蹈的回顾性的极简主义 synth 和老式电子鼓、 标志性旋律、 自动节拍、 复调扫、 幸福低调的和声。

A 必须为 Krautrock 球迷,男人 vs 机受到了创业发电站和可以 — — 讲究合成和利用声波的空间在哪里定义的体裁等电子行为的声音的。人 vs 机为您带来茂盛垫、 顺利带领、 稀疏的琶音和波涛汹涌模拟打击乐旁边未来派的声音效果。

超过 250 环弥补身体的你需要的低音、 琶音和旋律短语形式的所有 Synthwerk 的包。每个鼓循环进来给你最大的多功能性,在你的轨道的所有部分的两个变种。包括一个点击封面低音鼓、 合成器、 人声 (已适当地声音) 和不忘 FX 命中,多样,因为它们是生动的。

详细期望找到 2.25 Gb 的 24 位 Wav 内容 748 个人 24 位 Wav 样本。高达 516 循环是附带 178 Arp 循环、 140 低音循环、 100 鼓循环和 98 短语循环。一点击样品组成的 139 鼓 & Perc 命中,20 低音命中 10 声乐 FX 命中,20 Synth 命中。10 香港鼓包提供的理由以及 56 软件采样器补丁为 NNXT、 Halion、 Sfz,开播 Exs24 包括。

繁多的循环提供主要键,a、 B、 C、 D、 E、 F、 G 在 110-120BPM 之间的节奏。人 vs 该机适用电子流派众多,包括环境、 电子乐、 休息、 Synthwave、 Chillout 和更多。

返回到计算机世界的 20 世纪 70 年代灵感的电子乐,在机器人和人机统治无线电波。通过登录到您的 Loopmasters 帐户今天下载免费品酒师包 !

详细信息 ︰

24 位 44.1 k h Z

178 Arp 循环

140 低音循环

循环 100 鼓

98 铅循环

139 鼓打

43 Fx

20 的低音命中

20 synth 命中

10 Fx 人声

575 Rex2 文件

56 软采样器补丁