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音效下载Orange Tree Samples Evolution Acoustic Guitar Steel Strings (Latest Update) KONTAKT的图片1

Orange Tree Samples Evolution Acoustic Guitar Steel Strings (Latest Update) KONTAKT | 3.5 Gb

Until now, if you wanted a realistic acoustic guitar in your productions, the only serious option was to use a real guitarist. Numerous sample libraries and virtual instruments have come and gone that proclaimed realism, but fell far short of delivering on that promise. At best, they could be used to fill in a guitar part in pre-production mock ups that would later need to be replaced by a real guitar performance. All were better buried in the mix rather than exposed.

Announcing Evolution Steel Strings, the acoustic guitar sample library that will change your perception of what is possible for MIDI-based guitar simulation. Evolution Steel Strings presents a breakthrough in sampled acoustic guitar. No other acoustic guitar sample library or virtual instrument has achieved the same level of realism. From single notes to chord strums, Evolution Steel Strings uses a combination of sampling, scripting, and physical modeling-based principles to bring you an astonishingly easy to play KONTAKT sample library with results so realistic they can be used in final productions with confidence. Listen to the demos for yourself. Let your ears be the judge.

What's new:

We've just released upgrades for our Evolution Strawberry and Evolution Steel Strings sample libraries, encoding the libraries for the free Kontakt Player.

We also integrated the libraries with Native Instruments new Native Kontrol Standard. That means that if you own a Komplete Kontrol keyboard or Maschine, all the knobs will be labeled and automated by default. It also takes advantage of their Light Guide technology, which gives you a convenient visualization of the different keyswitches and keyranges available. In addition to converting the old preset system to use Kontakt's snapshots, we took the opportunity to add a bunch of new factory presets for both libraries, too

橘树样品进化原声吉他钢弦 (最新更新) 开播 |3.5 Gb

直到现在,如果你想在你的作品中,现实的原声吉他只有严肃的选择是使用一个真正的吉他手。众多的样本库和虚拟仪器来了又走,宣告现实主义,但远远低于实现此承诺。充其量,它们可以用于填写在日后需要取而代之的是真正的吉他性能的预生产模拟 ups 的吉他部分。所有被更好地埋在混合而不是暴露。

宣布进化钢字符串,将改变你的知觉的什么是可能基于 MIDI 吉他模拟吉他样本库。演化钢字符串中采样的原声吉他提出了突破。没有其他声学吉他样本库或虚拟仪器取得同样水平的现实主义。从到和弦乱弹的单音符,进化钢字符串使用取样、 脚本编写、 和物理建模基础原则的组合为您带来惊人容易玩开播示例库与结果如此现实他们可以放心地使用在最终产品中。为你自己听听演示。让你的耳朵是法官。

什么是新的 ︰


我们还与本机文书新本机 Kontrol 标准集成库。这意味着,如果你拥有一个 Komplete Kontrol 键盘或者 Maschine,所有旋钮将标记并将其自动化,默认情况。它还利用其导光板技术,给你不同的键位开关和 keyranges 可方便可视化。除了转换旧的预设的系统使用开播的快照,我们藉此机会也添加新工厂预设这两个库,一束