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Frontline Producer Indie Rock WAV REX | 1.25 Gb

Frontline Producer present Indie Rock Band - a formidable collection of Royalty Free Samples to create your own rock masterpiece. With every element you need to build Bridges, Verses and Choruses all you need to complete your track is temperamental vocalist!

Indie Rock Band gives you 5 great musicians with myriad of limited edition Instruments, Amps and Mics - smashed through to the other side using some class A preamps, top class converters! An essential purchase for fans of The Killers, The Strokes, The Coral, Ash, Oasis, Coldplay, Foals and many more iconic bands. Indie Rock Band has Acoustic and Electric Guitars in a variety of styles, with melodic arpeggios, jagged lead Hooks, heavy distortions and rising Chord progressions. To accompany the guitars we have included a host of musical elements including: Piano, Organ, Synths, Pads, and Strings – which will provide perfect harmonic backing to your music.

19 Song construction kits are included – with high-fidelity recordings of Live Bass, Acoustic Drums, Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars and a fine selection of accompaniments. Featuring tempos from 72 to 143 BPM, indie Rock Band has all your needs covered in a range of popular Keys - Each kit has been recorded with variations to create your own perfect arrangement. In detail expect to find 1.82GB of content with 408 individual Loops. There are 92 Electric Bass Loops, 96 Live Drum Loops, 52 Drum Fills, 72 Electric Guitar Loops, 16 Acoustic Guitar Loops, 31 Piano Loops, 14 Organ Loops, 25 Synth Loops and 10 String Loops. Also included are 408 Apple Loops, and 422 Rex2 Loops.

The gear list reads like a `whats what’ of rock hardware, including Limited edition Gibson J45, Gibson E345, Vintage 75 telecaster Guitars, with Orange, Marshall, Ampeg Amps. Fender Precision and Warwick corvette Basses and a DW Drum kit with multiple snares, Nord Stage and various other modules make up the rest! Frontline Producer put the power of Indie Rock and Roll in your hands - with the sound of a pro band for a fraction of the price. Login or set up a free account to download the Taster Pack and check out the demos now!

前线的生产者独立摇滚 WAV 雷克斯 |1.25 Gb

前线的生产者提出独立摇滚乐队-版税免费样品,以创建您自己的摇滚杰作客收集。与每个元素,您需要建立的桥梁,经文和合唱所有你需要完成你的轨道是喜怒无常的歌手 !

独立摇滚乐队给你无数的限量版文书、 安培和中等收入国家 — — 通过使用一些类 A 前置放大器、 顶级转换器的另一边捣破 5 伟大的音乐家 !对于球迷的杀手、 中风、 珊瑚、 灰、 绿洲、 酷玩乐队、 马驹和许多更多的标志性带一个重要的采购。独立摇滚乐队有音响和各种款式,不断上升的和弦与旋律的琶音,锯齿状的铅钩重扭曲的电吉他。陪吉他我们有大量的音乐元素,包括 ︰ 钢琴、 管风琴、 合成器、 垫和字符串 — — 将提供给你的音乐的完美谐波后盾。

19 首歌建设工具包是附带的生活低音、 声学鼓、 电吉他、 吉他和精心挑选的伴奏的高保真录音。具有从 72 到 143 BPM 的节奏,独立摇滚乐队有您所有的需求都覆盖在一系列受欢迎的键-每个套件已记录与变化,以创建您自己完美的安排。详细期望找到 1.82 GB 的内容与 408 个人循环。有 92 电气低音回路、 96 住鼓循环、 52 鼓填充、 72 电吉他循环、 16 声学吉他循环、 31 钢琴循环、 14 器官循环、 25 次 Synth 循环和 10 字符串循环。此外包括了 408 苹果循环和 422 Rex2 循环。

齿轮列表读起来就像 '什么什么' 岩石硬件,包括限量版吉布森 J45,吉布森 E345 老式 75 电视广播员吉他,橙,马歇尔,Ampeg 安培。挡泥板精度和沃里克克尔维特低音和 DW 鼓套件与多个圈套、 诺德阶段和各种其他模块构成了休息 !前线的制片人独立摇滚和辊的力量在你的手-与价格的一小部分的临乐队的声音。登录或注册免费帐户下载品酒师包和现在签出演示集 !