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Sample Magic Chilled Electronica MULTiFORMAT | 1.92 Gb

Halcyon grooves, suave synthetics and organic bliss, Chilled Electronica fuses the refined downtempo anthems of Air with the melancholic trip hop of Portishead across folders packed with sparse beats, elegant melodics, smooth bass, organic FX and lush live keys.

Expertly crafted from stacks of enviable hardware and classic live instrumentation, the collection spans 80 and 90bpm inspiration in Wav, Apple Loops and Rex2 format - bundled with MIDI files for all melodic elements as standard. Dive in, drift off and get inspired by the finest Chilled Electronica has to offer.

What's Inside:

Beat Loops > 176 sparse old-school organic-electronic beats and lazy grooves expertly programmed from a selection of drum machines and live drum sounds. Beats served with full mix and stripped stems for total beat control.

Bass Loops > From smooth P-bass licks to glitchy synth bass grooves and growls: 52 low-end loops packed with laid-back sophistication. Served with MIDI as standard and key-labeled throughout.

Keys Loops > Bluesy keys, e-piano bliss, retrofied Rhodes and soulful piano progressions oozing with emotion and melodic warmth. MIDI versions provided as standard and key-labeled throughout.

Music Loops > 12 of our famed multi-melodic song-starters. Loaded with bass, keys, synths, pads, textural elements and more, each folder is an inspiration-sparker waiting to be mined. Served with a fun mix and the associated stems, MIDI is also provided for maximum creative control.

Synth Loops > Assorted synth-spiration from a mix of analogue and digital sources. From brass and strings to delay-drenched arpeggios there’s stacks of melodic folly to explore. Key-labeled throughout and served with MIDI also.

Organic FX Loops > Processed guitar lines, re-worked percussion, fx-laden guitar and more: incricate and interesting melodic layers - key-labeled and tempo-synced for convenience.

Drum Hits > Choice serving of understated and expertly sculpted kicks, snares, percussion and cymbals. Presented with 3 drum kits for instant beat inspiration.


566 x 24-bit Wav files

517 x Apple Loops

517 x Rex2 files

128 x MIDI files

3 custom drum kits for Maschine 2, NN-XT, Ableton Drum Rack, Battery 4 and EXS24

3 sampler patches for NN-XT, EXS24, Kontakt and Ableton Drum Rack

示例魔术冷冻电子乐繁多 |1.92 Gb

宁静槽、 温文尔雅的合成材料和有机祝福,冷冻电子乐熔断器精制的 downtempo 国歌的空气与忧郁之旅跳的 Portishead 跨文件夹挤满了稀疏的节拍,优雅 melodics 平滑低音、 有机 FX 和郁郁葱葱的活钥匙。

熟练制作从成堆的令人羡慕的硬件和经典的现场仪表、 集合跨度 80 和 90bpm 灵感 Wav、 苹果循环和 Rex2 格式-与所有旋律元素 MIDI 文件捆绑在一起,作为标准。潜水、 飘和那里得到灵感的最好冷冻电子乐所提供。

里面是什么 ︰

打循环 > 176 稀疏老学校有机电子节拍和懒惰槽编程序从选择的鼓机和活鼓的声音。节拍配充分混合和剥夺总差拍控制的茎。

低音循环 > 从光滑 P 低音舔着出问题 synth 低音槽和咆哮 ︰ 52 低端循环包装和悠闲的复杂程度。担任与 MIDI 标准和标记在整个的关键。

钥匙环 > 深情钢琴进阶渗着情感与旋律的温馨中 retrofied 罗兹电子钢琴乐和布鲁斯键。提供作为标准和关键标记在整个的 MIDI 版本。

音乐循环 > 12 我们著名的多旋律歌起动器。加载与低音、 钥匙、 合成器、 垫、 纹理元素和更多,每个文件夹是等待开采的灵感火花。配上一个有趣的组合和关联的茎,MIDI 还提供最大的创意控制。

Synth 循环 > 什锦 synth 螺从混合模拟和数字的来源。从黄铜和字符串转换为延迟浑身湿透的琶音还有成堆的旋律愚蠢探索。关键标记在整个,也配 MIDI。

有机 FX 循环 > 处理吉他线、 重新工作的打击乐、 fx 拉登吉他 ︰ incricate 和有趣的旋律层-关键标记和节奏同步的方便。

鼓打 > 选择服务的低调和熟练地雕刻踢、 陷阱、 打击乐和铙钹。提出了用 3 鼓包瞬间打败灵感。

包含 ︰

566 x 24 位 Wav 文件

苹果循环 x 517

517 x Rex2 文件

MIDI 文件 x 128

3 自定义的鼓包为 Maschine 2、 Ableton 鼓架、 电池 4、 NN XT EXS24

NN XT、 EXS24、 开播和 Ableton 鼓架 3 取样器修补程序