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SonicCouture Bowed Piano for Ableton Live v9.x ALP | 1.02 Gb

What happens when you take a perfectly good instrument–one that's been around for hundreds of years–and completely rethink it? The bowed piano technique involves flexible bows made from monofilament nylon fishing line, coated in rosin.

What happens when you take a perfectly good instrument–one that's been around for hundreds of years–and completely rethink it? The bowed piano technique involves flexible bows made from monofilament nylon fishing line, coated in rosin. The nylon is threaded under the piano's strings, and the performer can coax a sustained tone from the piano. The resulting sound is organic, shape-shifting, massive, foreboding yet delicate. The sound of the Bowed Piano is incredibly versatile, very musical and completely unique. It seems to strike a middle ground somewhere between a synthesizer pad and a stringed instrument and manages to sound like neither. It is a sound that adds space and movement to a composition and brings a magical, shimmering high end and baleful, evocative character.

The Soniccouture Bowed Piano instrument was recorded using a nine-foot Baldwin Grand, a model popular with bowed piano practitioners. A matched pair of Bruel & Kjaer microphones was used to capture every detail of the sound. Each key has alternate samples to prevent repetition of attack transients, and there are three articulations per key: normal bowing, hard bowing and short, staccato bows. The normal and hard samples are looped long, for infinite sustain.

SonicCouture 鞠了一躬钢琴为 Live v9.x ALP |1.02 Gb

当你把一个很好的工具 — —,已经有数百年来,会发生什么 — — 和完全重新思考它?弯的钢琴技术涉及灵活弓是由单丝尼龙钓鱼线,涂上松香。

当你把一个很好的工具 — —,已经有数百年来,会发生什么 — — 和完全重新思考它?弯的钢琴技术涉及灵活弓是由单丝尼龙钓鱼线,涂上松香。尼龙螺纹下钢琴的字符串和执行者可以哄从钢琴的持续的音。产生的声音是有机、 变形、 大规模,预感然而微妙。鞠了一躬,钢琴的声音是难以置信的多才多艺,很喜欢音乐和完全独特。它似乎罢工合成器垫和一种弦乐器之间某处的中间地带和管理都不喜欢听。它是一个空间和运动增添了一篇作文,带来了神奇,波光粼粼的高端和恶意,令人回味的人物的声音。

Soniccouture 鞠了一躬钢琴仪器录使用九脚鲍德温大,模型弯钢琴从业人员的欢迎。一对匹配的 Bruel & 凯尔麦克风用于捕获声音的每一个细节。每个键有备用的样本,以防止重复攻击瞬变,并且有三个关节,每个键 ︰ 正常鞠躬、 硬弓和短、 断奏的弓。为无限维持正常和硬样品是很久,循环播放。