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Audio Imperia Trailer Guitars Tensions and Motors KONTAKT | 544 Mb

We are extremely proud and excited to announce that award-winning composer and sound designer Danny Cocke has joined us here at Audio Imperia. Danny is best known for his stellar work as a trailer composer where his credits include blockbuster placements such as "Fantastic 4", "Avengers 2", "Bridge Of Spies", "Interstellar", "Jurassic World", and many, many more.

The first kit in the Danny Cocke Signature Series of instruments is "Trailer Guitars: Tensions & Motors" in which Danny has truly created the perfect synergy between sound effect and organic guitar sound. The kit includes over 130 carefully crafted sounds in the categories of "Ebow Tension", "In Space" (Ambient Sounds), "Motors" (Rhythmic Loops and FX), and "Rings & Stings" will take you straight into Mad Max, Underworld and The Martian territory. Trailer Guitars: Tensions & Motors requires the full version of Kontakt 5.5 or higher (the patches will not run in the free Kontakt Player)


• Echo Ring Outs 78bpm & 100bpm

• Echo String FX

• In Space

• Melodic Ring Outs

• Motors 8th Notes

• Motors 16th Notes

• Motors Bendy

• Motors Triplets

• Ring & Sting FX

• Ring Outs

• Bonus: Ebow Tension

音频 Imperia 拖车吉他紧张和电机开播 |544 mb

我们非常自豪和兴奋的宣布,屡获殊荣的作曲家和音效设计师 Danny Cocke 已加入我们这里在因佩里亚音频。Danny 的最著名的他的星工作作为拖车作曲家在他的作品包括重磅炸弹安置等"神奇 4","复仇者 2"、"间谍桥"、"星际"、"侏罗纪世界"和更多。

Danny Cocke 签名系列的文书中的第一个工具包是"拖车吉他 ︰ 紧张 & 马达",Danny 真正创造了完美协同作用的声音效果和有机吉他声音。该套件包括超过 130 精心的声音的"Ebow 张力"类别中,"在空间"(环境声音)、"马达"(节奏循环和 FX)和"戒指 & 刺痛"将带你进入疯狂的麦克斯、 黑社会和火星领土直。拖车吉他 ︰ 紧张与电机需要完整版的开播 5.5 或更高 (修补程序将不会运行在免费的开播播放器)

包括 ︰

• 回声环讲义 78bpm & 100bpm

• Echo 字符串 FX

• 在空间

• 旋律环出局

• 电机 8 笔记

• 电机 16 笔记

• 电机弯曲

• 电机三胞胎

• 环 & 蜇 FX

• 环出局

• 奖金 ︰ Ebow 张力