Duration 35m MP4
Title: Joel Grimes Workshops – Masking Hair Methods & Magic
The demand for more refined knockouts is getting greater everyday. Let’s face it, this is were the future is going. Photoshop has answered that call with their release of CS5, but there are still some limits when it comes to knocking out hair. The biggest problem is the fringing artifacts that come over with the refine edge mask.
And with each hair color you get a different set of problems. After spending close to hundred hours of exploring, Joel has discovered some techniques that until the release of this video tutorial, have never before been revealed.
Forget spending an hour or more just to get a decent knockout, and all without ever having to work in Channels. Simply put, these new masking techniques will take your knockouts to a whole new level. This 35 minute tutorial is broken down to three scenarios, working with black, blond and brown hair. Joel takes each of his portrait subject and drops them into a background showing how to avoid that CUTOUT look. Step into the future and master the masking knocking out process!
持续时间 35 m MP4
标题 ︰ Joel 莱姆斯研讨会 — — 掩蔽头发方法 & 魔法
信息 ︰
更精致的挖空的需求量越来越大每天。让我们面对现实吧,这是人的未来什么。Photoshop 具有响应这一召唤他们发行版的 CS5 的但仍有一些限制淘汰的头发的时候。最大的问题是过来与细化边缘蒙版边缘构件。
每个头发的颜色与你得到一组不同的问题。历经近百小时的探索,Joel 发现了一些技术,直到释放的这个视频教程,以前从来没有被透露。
忘了花一个小时或更多只是为了得到体面的淘汰赛,和所有没有发生过在渠道工作。简单地说,这些新掩蔽技术将带你敲到全新的水平。这 35 分钟的教程是分解为三个方案中,使用黑色、 金色和棕色的头发。Joel 花每个人肖像题材和投进背景,展现如何避免抠出看起来。走进未来和掌握掩蔽淘汰过程 !