Duration 3h 30m Project Files Included MP4
Character Customization for RPGs and Mobile Games in Unity
Learn how RPGs, virtual pet games, dress up games, and other mobile games customize characters in Unity
This course will teach you how to make a complete system to create and manage customizable characters in your Unity 3D game.
Let your players create custom built characters, either manually controlling all the body parts of their characters or making their characters completely random. Learn how to save and load your characters using save slots. Create an advanced saving system with character avatars displayed on each save slot.
The material in this course is divided into 4 Sections.
Section 1 includes just a short overview of the project that we will be making in this course.
By the end of Section 2, we will create all the visual elements that your players will see on their screens. First we will create a template default character that we will later customize. We will use Unity built-in UI to create the user interface. You will learn techniques of rapid prototyping that will help you build user interfaces faster. We will create a custom UI element that will be used to control the look of each body part of your character.
In Section 3, we will write the scripts to connect the UI that your players will interact with to the customizable character. By the end of Section 3 we will be able to edit the look of our character and generate new characters randomly. We will also discuss transitions to other scenes.
The goal is to start playing in every scene with the character that your players select.
In Section 4, we will be working on the Save/Load system for characters. By the end of Section 4 all the save slots will work and it will be possible to save your favorite characters for later. We will add a super-cool feature of snapping avatars of your characters and using these avatars on the save slots to provide more information to your players. In this section we will also try to use other UI elements to select body parts on your characters. As an example I will use the built-in Unity Slider to pick bodies for our characters.
I’ve included all of the assets to download so you can follow along
The scripting language used in this course is C#. I have tried to save the project that I was working in as often as I can so that you can easily pick up the material from any point in this course.
持续时间 3 h 30 米项目文件包括的 MP4
字符为 rpg 游戏和手机游戏在统一的自定义
信息 ︰
学习如何 Rpg,虚拟宠物游戏,打扮小游戏,和其他手机游戏自定义中统一的字符
这门课将教你如何做一个完整的系统来创建和管理自定义字符在你统一的 3D 游戏。
本课程的材料分为 4 部分。
节 1 包括的项目,我们将在本课程只是短的概述。
第二节结束时,我们将创建你的球员会在其屏幕看到的所有可视元素。首先,我们将创建我们以后将自定义模板默认字符。我们将使用统一内置 UI 创建用户界面。您将学习技术的快速成型技术,将帮助您更快地构建用户界面。我们将创建自定义的 UI元素,用于控制您的字符每个身体部位的外观。
在第 3 节中,我们将编写脚本来连接你的球员将与进行交互的用户界面的可自定义的字符。一节 3 月底我们将能够编辑的外观我们的性格和随机生成新的字符。我们还将讨论过渡到其他场景。
第 4 节中,我们将工作保存/加载系统的字符。所有节 4 月底插槽将工作保存和它将有可能保存供以后的你最喜欢的人物。我们将添加超级酷的对齐你的人物头像和使用这些头像上保存功能插槽向你的球员提供更多的信息。在本节中我们还将尝试使用其他 UI 元素选择对你的人物的身体部位。作为一个例子我将使用内置统一滑块来为我们的性格挑选机构。
在本课程中使用的脚本语言是 C#。我试图保存正在中经常以便你可以轻松地拿起从本课程中的任何一点材料的项目。