CG数据库 >> Bitwig Studio V1.3.8 Win/Mac/Lnx

Bitwig Studio V1.3.8 Win/Mac/Lnx的图片1

Bitwig Studio 是一个新的创新的音乐创作、录音、和表演软件.

BITWIG STUDIO 提供了艺术级的音频引擎,带有完整的多处理支持,统一的调制系统,32/64-位 VST 插件桥接,以及 VST 插件崩溃保护。

BITWIG STUDIO 包含超过 50 个设备。常规乐器(Polysynth、FM-4、Organ、Sampler 和模拟风格 Drum Modules)和效果(延迟、均衡、压缩),以及 Container(容器)设备(可以建立平行乐器和效果链),Note FX(音符效果)和 Modulator(调制)设备(还配有控制器如低频震荡器,跟随包络和用于调制其它设备的步序音序器)。

Bitwig Studio 1.x (Win/Mac/Lnx) | 122 / 146 / 150 Mb

Bitwig Studio is a dynamic software solution for music creation and performance to realize all of your musical ideas in every stage of production. From sound design to music creation, discover the new standard in customized workflow. Bitwig Studio inspires you to take greater control of your productions, giving you access to every aspect of your workflow as needed. Streamline your creative process and quickly take your music from ideas to complete songs, tracks and compositions. With Bitwig Studio, you’re in command of a workflow that works best for you.

javascript stub generator for Controller API needs latest updates from TeotiGraphix repository.

Copying or duplicating a plugin device with automation in a clip does not duplicate the automation for parameters in the plugin device

Moving a nested device chain could cause weird problems/crashes if the chain's mixer had automation for some of it's parameters (eg volume or pan).

Dragging a nested device chain (with automation to a mixer parameter for the chain) to a new track would leave the document in a broken state and cause crash on save

Note editor piano keyboard doesn't audition keys until a note is added to the clip.