CG数据库 >> 音效下载Fluffy Audio Trio Broz Solo Viola KONTAKT

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Fluffy Audio Trio Broz Solo Viola KONTAKT | 3.98 Gb

We sampled a string trio of talented Italian musicians, Barbara (violin), Giada (viola) and Klaus (cello), at the amazing Teatro delle Voci in Treviso. The Viola features up to 3.5 octaves, 3 dynamic layers for sustained articulations, true legato, 4 Round Robins for short articulations like Spiccato, Staccato and Pizzicato. We provide you the ability to create your unique sound by mixing the 3 microphones positions (Close, Mid and Far). The sampling was made with top quality gear: Schoeps and AudioTechnica microphones, Neve and Millennia Media preamps.

4480 samples

4.4 GB ncw compressed sample pool (9 GB original sample size)

3 mic positions

3.5 octaves note range

Vibrato, non-vibrato + synthesized vibrato

Staccato, Spiccato, Pizzicato articulations with 4 Round Robins

DCE Engine to blend the dynamics

3 dynamic layers for sustained articulations

Pitch-Wheel controlled sub articulations like crescendo, accented attack


Humanized tuning

Automatic legato speed based on the analysis of your performance

17 Impulse Reverbs

Animated GUI with many configurable parameters

Ready-to-play presets

蓬松的音频三重奏布罗兹独奏中提琴开播 |3.98 Gb

我们在令人惊叹的剧院阿尔特里维索金宇采样弦乐三重奏的意大利乐手,芭芭拉(小提琴)、 吉安达 (中提琴) 和克劳斯 (大提琴)。中提琴功能最多的 3.5 八度,3 动态图层的持续表达,真正的连奏,4 轮罗宾斯为短关节像断续,断奏和拨弦。我们为您提供了创建你独特的声音混合 3 麦克风职位的能力 (近、 中、远)。采样用高质量齿轮 ︰ Schoeps 和 AudioTechnica 麦克风、 Neve 与几千年来媒体的前置放大器。

4480 样品

网络中心战 4.4 GB 压缩样品池 (9 GB 原始样本大小)

3 个麦克风位置

3.5 八度注意范围

颤音,非颤音 + 合成的颤音

断奏,断续,拨奏关节与 4 轮知更鸟

DCE 发动机混合动力学

3 动态层为持续表达的


真正的 legato


基于你的表现分析的自动 legato 速度

17 冲动混响

动画的 GUI 与许多可配置参数
