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音效下载Tonehammer Emotional Piano KONTAKT的图片1


A deep-sampled library dedicated to soundtrack piano and focused on capturing the warmth, the wideness, the deep resonance and softness of a world class grand.

We've spent years searching for just the right one to capture. With ears pressed to wood and eyes hovering scant inches above strings, we tested literally hundreds of them before finding this one special piano. The sound of a piano is defined by a thousand things, from the lacquer on the wood to the hardness of the felt in the hammers. Our goal was purely sound: a soft, deeply resonant, rich, warm and soulful sound. We had no concern for brand, model, design or pedigree. We're not even going to mention the model and brand of the piano we chose for this library. Not because it is important, but because it is truly irrelevant.

With all preconceived notions and expectations aside, this piano will either speak to you or it won't. This is a big, dark, warm, lush, resonant piano. It`s intended to be a scoring piano. It is a piano for epic soundtracks, not fancy dinner parties. This piano wears a helmet flak jacket, not a tuxedo with tails. This piano is a door gunner, not a dancer. This piano doesn't retire to the New England countryside triumphantly after an extended run at the Met. It's buried 6 feet under in the middle of a Chicago downpour after being gunned down by the mob. If you ever find yourself storming a beach in slow motion or charging into a burning building to save a baby, then this is the piano that will play when your final credits roll. If you find yourself wearing a powdered wig and leggings, then this is not your piano unless you're also carrying a musket and you've just been ordered to fix bayonets. This piano doesn't do romantic comedies. It does love stories and, more often still, it does heartbreaks. This piano isn't for everyone or every occasion, but when we think of a piano and really hear it in our heads and hearts, this is the sound of Tonehammer.


- Warm, wide, resonating soundtrack piano

- Powerful custom performance control interface:

* Attack, delay, release control

* Dynamics / velocity control

* Pedal volume control

* Dampening control

* EQ control (low, mid, highs)

* Convolution reverb control (includes +10 great custom convolutions)

- Full and lite patches for CPU conservation

- Master patches (ex. Grand Piano, Jazz Piano)

- FX patches using a variety of scripting and convolutions

- Ambient Piano FX patches

- Convolution Reverb specific patches (ex., custom cathedral, church, regular hall studio, bunker etc)

- Extensive read me (.pdf) install, patch and hint documentation

- 39 Instrument patches, 1800 Samples

- 4.9 GB installed, 4.9 GB .rar download

- Sample resolution: 44.1Khz / 24Bit stereo .wav format

- Format(s): Kontakt and .wav

- Note: Native Instruments Full Kontakt 4 and Kontakt 4 Player compatibility

- Note: Windows XP / Vista / 7. Intelmac and Mac OS 10.5 or higher. Runs stand-alone or as plug-in via VST, AU, RTAS (Pro Tools 7 & 8).

Installation: use "Add library" button

开播 |4.79 GB

深采样的图书馆致力于原声钢琴和专注於捕获温暖、 柔和的一个世界级的大深广,深深的共鸣。

我们花了年时间寻找合适的人,来捕获。用耳朵紧贴木材和眼睛徘徊少英寸以上的字符串,我们在寻找这一特殊钢琴前测试上百个他们。钢琴的声音是由一千件事情,从漆的硬度在铁锤帮毛毡的木板上定义的。我们的目标是纯粹声音 ︰ 软深深谐振、 丰富、 温暖、 深情的声音。我们有没有品牌、 模型、 设计或血统的关怀。我们甚至没有要提及的模型及品牌的钢琴我们选择此库。并不是因为它是重要的而是因为它是真正无关。

与所有先入为主的观念和期望在一边,这架钢琴也要和你说话或不会。这是大、黑、 温暖、 郁郁葱葱、 谐振的钢琴。它旨在将钢琴的得分。它是一架钢琴的史诗般的配乐,不高档宴会。这架钢琴戴头盔穿上防弹衣,没有一件礼服的尾巴。这架钢琴是一门名炮手,不是一名舞蹈演员。这架钢琴不退休在新英格兰下乡的得意洋洋地扩展运行在大都会之后。它已被暴徒枪杀后埋在芝加哥倾盆大雨下 6 英尺。如果你发现自己攻坚在慢动作或冲进着火的大楼去救孩子的海滩,这就是你最后的学分卷时将播放钢琴。如果你发现自己戴着假发和绑腿,然后这并非你的钢琴除非你也携带步枪和你要只是奉命刺刀。这架钢琴不做浪漫喜剧。它总是喜欢的故事,并更经常仍然,正是心碎。这架钢琴并不适合每个人或每个场合,但当我们想的一架钢琴,真的听到它在我们的头脑和心灵,这就是 Tonehammer 的声音。

特点 ︰

-温暖的、 广泛的、 共鸣的原声钢琴

-强大的自定义性能控制接口 ︰

* 攻击、 延迟、 释放控制

* 动力学 / 速度控制

* 踏板音量控制

* 抑制控制

* EQ 控制 (低中,高点)

* 卷积混响控制 (包括 + 10 大自定义卷积)

-充分和精简补丁 CPU 保护

-主的修补程序 (如钢琴,爵士钢琴)

-FX 修补程序使用不同的脚本和卷积

-环境钢琴 FX 补丁

卷积混响特定修补程序 (例如,自定义大教堂,教堂、 定期大厅工作室,掩体等)

-广泛阅读我 (.pdf) 安装修补程序和提示文档

-39 仪器补丁,1800年样品

-4.9 GB 安装,4.9 GB.rar 下载

-样品决议 ︰ 44.1 Khz/24 位立体声.wav 格式

-格式 ︰ 开播和.wav

-注意 ︰ 本机文书全面开播 4 和开播 4 播放器的兼容性

-注意 ︰ Windows XP / Vista / 7。Intelmac 和 Mac OS 10.5 或更高。通过 VST,非盟,区域贸易协定 (临工具 7 & 8) 运行独立或作为插件。

安装方式 ︰ 使用"添加库"按钮