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Loopmasters - Neurofunk Bass Weapons Vol 2 MULTiFORMAT | 577 Mb

Loopmasters present Neurofunk Bass Weapons 2 – a blistering collection of epic Bass weapons for producers of Drum & Bass, Dubstep and beyond! This is a supercharged collection of audio tools that will decimate the dancefloor and give your Neurofunk productions the edge.

Laszlo Berta (Percy T.C.) has created another exclusive mix of Neurofunk content, a storming following up to Neurofunk Bass Weapons 1. Volume 2 brings you more rasping Bass Lines, monumental Synth Hooks and a bonus folder of Pads & Atmospheres. As well as Key labelled Loops, we’ve thrown in a tonne of One Hits to switch up a level in your own style!

Prepare to have the power of Neurofunk in the palm of your hands! If you’re after Nasty Lead Basses, Terrifying Bass , Atmospheric Pads, Dark Synths and Twisted Sound FX, this is the place to be. Expertly processed Bass and Synths will growl through the mix, with Pads and FX providing a warm background atmosphere.

In detail expect to find 681MB of content with 289 individual Samples files. 87 Loops are included – 54 Bass Loops, 23 Synth Loops and 10 Pad Loops. The 202 One Hits consist of 132 Bass Hits, 33 FX Hits, 15 Pad Hits, 5 Atmos Hits and 17 Synth Hits. There are 202 Apple Loops and 100 Rex2 Loops as well as 170 Software Sampler patches pre-formatted for NNXT, Sfz, Exs24, Halion and Kontakt.

Loopmasters-Neurofunk 低音武器 Vol 2 繁多 |577 mb

Loopmasters 目前 Neurofunk 低音武器 2 — — 史诗低音武器生产商及鼓和低音,Dubstep 起泡集合 !这是增压音频工具集,将大批屠杀舞池和给你 Neurofunk 生产的优势。

拉兹洛贝塔 (珀西 T.C.) 创造了 Neurofunk 内容,风暴后续行动 Neurofunk 低音武器1 另一个独家组合。第 2 卷带给你更多刺耳低音线条、 纪念性 Synth 钩和垫 & 大气奖金文件夹。也称为循环的关键,我们已经被扔在一个点击切换至上一层在你自己的风格一吨 !

准备有 Neurofunk 在你手中的权力 !如果你讨厌带领低音、 可怕的低音、 大气垫、 黑暗 Synth 和扭曲声音 FX 后,这是好地方。熟练地处理低音和合成器会咆哮通过混合,用垫和 FX 提供温暖的背景氛围。

在细节中期望的 289 单个样本文件找到 681 MB 的内容。87 循环包括 — — 54 低音循环、 23 Synth 循环和 10 垫循环。202 一个点击组成 132 低音命中、 33 FX 命中、 15 垫命中,5 Atmos 命中 17 Synth 命中。有 202 苹果循环和 100 Rex2 循环,以及预格式化为 NNXT、 Sfz、 Exs24、 Halion 和开播 170 采样器软件修补程序。