CG数据库 >> AVL CRUISE M 2015.2

AVL CRUISE M 2015.2的图片1





多物理概念的车辆系统仿真工具CRUISE M能够提供针对发动机,传动系,1D的冷却流体网络,催化转化装置,电控系统领域建立起一个基于模型的,无缝的高质量的,实时的系统和子系统集成化的仿真平台。其求解器特别为上述的多物理概念的系统模拟所定制。这样的开发理念使得CRUISE M所建立的子系统和整车模型能够全方面的在动力总成开发过程中得到反复使用:从满足传统的燃油经济性,排放和动力性目标到整车的热管理和能量管理,从办公室阶段的概念性设计到实时的HiL系统和台架测试的系统标定。AVL CRUISE M所提供的仿真工具和理念为工程师提供了最先进的开发方法并使他们的工作更简单易行。

Vehicle Energy Management System 车辆能量管理系统

AVL CRUISE M开发的一个主要目的是针对复杂的车辆能量管理系统,提供全面准确的能量分配和流动分析数据,满足其优化设计开发要求。

Function Development and Calibration 控制系统开发与标定

AVL CRUISE M针对电控系统的开发和标定提供了从MiL到SiL,再到HiL的无缝的开发流程。其所提供的高度灵活和开放集成化的建模理念使得办公室所建立的实时模型能够顺利地再使用于测试系统中。

AVL CRUISE M 2015.2 | 1.4 Gb

AVL List GmbH, specializes in engine and powertrain development, has released update (SP2) of CRUISE M 2015, is designed for model-based system development, seamlessly integrating high-quality, realtime-capable subsystem models of engine, driveline, 1D fluid flow, aftertreatment, electrical and control system domains.

AVL CRUISE M - a vehicle system simulation platform that is a highly convenient and versatile tool throughout the development process: from traditional fuel efficiency, emissions and performance analyses to entire vehicle thermal and energy management assessment in the office and to validation and calibration on realtime HiL and test systems.

AVL CRUISE M brings the advantages of multidisciplinary system simulation closer to you and makes your work easier.

AVL CRUISE M 2015.2的图片2

About AVL List GMbH

AVL List GmbH is the world's largest private and independent company for the development of measuring and testing technology and drive systems with internal combustion engines. The company has approximately 2,500 employees. With a global presence of 45 AVL companies, AVL achieved total sales in 1999 of US$ 400 million.


Version: 2015.2

Interface: multilanguage

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1

Size: 1.4 Gb