Title: InfinteSkills – Learning Simulation Xpress and Flow Xpress in SolidWorks
In this Learning Simulation Xpress and Flow Xpress in SolidWorks training course, expert author Matt Perez will teach you how to set up and run Simulation Xpress and Flow Xpress studies. This course is designed for users who are already familiar with SolidWorks.
You will start by learning how to launch Simulation Xpress, then jump into learning about the Simulation Xpress handle and linkage. From there, Matt will teach you about Flow Xpress, including the Flow Xpress valve and velocity stack. Finally, this video tutorial will compare Xpress versus full simulation, including the Simulation Xpress limitations and Flow Xpress limitations.
Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have gained the knowledge necessary to successfully set up and run Flow Xpress and Simulation Xpress studies, as well as understand what full simulation packages can offer you. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.