CG数据库 >> July 2014 Live Webinar Recording

July 2014 Live Webinar Recording的图片1

密码: p5t6

Approximately 4 hours with a brief, 10 minute intermission, 5 complete edits as well as 2 bonus edits. Bonus edits cover black & white conversions, dropping in a sunset, as well as color enhancement of the red rocks. Images shown are images covered in this recording.

• Live webinar recordings are just that - a recording of a previous live class. Class lengths vary slightly from class to class. During a live class, students communicate questions to me via a chat box. You will periodically hear me answering these questions during the recording even though you will not see the chat box that I see. You will be able to gain useful bonus information from these Q&A periods

• The images edited during these recordings and videos may turn out slightly differently than those shown here. I do not use actions or presets in my editing, therefore, each time that I edit a certain image, it will come out with slight variations from previous edits.

• Images edited in videos and recordings are done without the use of any actions or presets.

• All post-processing is done using LR5 and CS6. The steps taught should be easily translatable using other versions of Photoshop as well as ACR. I am not versed in Photoshop Elements or ACR, but this is what I have heard from past students who have attended one of my live online classes.