Mastercam美国CNC Software Inc.公司开发的基于PC平台的CAD/CAM软件,宣布发行Mastercam X9!
Mastercam集二维绘图、三维实体造型、曲面设计、体素拼合、数控编程、刀具路径摸拟及真实感摸拟等多种功能于一身。它具有方便直观的几何造型。 Mastercam提供了设计零件外形所需的理想环境,其强大稳定的造型功能可设计出复杂的曲线、曲面零件。
Mastercam具有强劲的曲面粗加工及灵活的曲面精加工功能。 Mastercam提供了多种先进的粗加工技术,以提高零件加工的效率和质量。Mastercam还具有丰富的曲面精加工功能,可以从中选择最好的方法,加工最复杂的零件。Mastercam的多轴加工功能,为零件的加工提供了更多的灵活性。
可靠的刀具路径校验功能 Mastercam可模拟零件加工的整个过程,模拟中不但能显示刀具和夹具,还能检查刀具和夹具与被加工零件的干涉、碰撞情况。
Mastercam X9 | 1.44 GB
CNC Software Inc., a dedicated to providing state-of-the-art software tools for CAD/CAM manufacturing markets, announced the release of Mastercam X8, is a computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software program used by manufacturing or machine technology professionals, such as machinists and CNC programmers.
Mastercam is a type of software used by professionals in the manufacturing industry. It is similar to other computer-aided design (CAD) programs, like AutoCAD. This software helps to produce mechanical drawings of machine parts, learn how to operate CNC lathes and mills and create 3-dimensional wire frame models.
About CNC Software Inc.
CNC Software Inc. is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art software tools for CAD/CAM manufacturing markets. Our goal is to provide superior software products based on our users' needs to solve simple to complex design and machining problems.
Name: Mastercam
Version: X9 (64bit) Mastercam X9 18.0.11898.0
Interface: english
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 x64
Size: 1.2G