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Xcode是苹果公司向开发人员提供的集成开发环境,用于开发Mac OS X和iOS的应用程序。

Xcode 引入了设计和构建软件的崭新方式。Swift 是一种面向 Cocoa 和 Cocoa Touch 的创新编程语言,与 Xcode 工具相结合后,可以让编程变得轻松愉悦。这一生动体验渗透到了 Xcode 的方方面面。Interface Builder 的实时渲染功能,能将你手动编写的 UI 代码显示在设计画布中,并即时反映你在代码中输入的变化。全新的视图调试器将所有 UI 图层迸发为 3D 视觉化呈现,让你轻松了解界面的构成方式,识别重叠或截断的视图。

Xcode 7.2 MacOSX | 3.85 GB

Xcode - is a suite of tools for developing applications for the Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and Apple Watch developed by Apple. Xcode includes the Xcode IDE, Swift and Objective-C compilers, analysis tools, simulators, the latest SDK and hundreds of other powerful features.

Xcode IDE provides you with everything you need: from professional editors with code completion and Cocoa refactoring, setting up open-source compilers. Xcode IDE is designed from the ground up, so you can take full advantage of the latest technologies and Cocoa Apple. Working with Xcode allows you to focus specifically on the development process, rather than the other processes. The program for the development of the Xcode application has the ability to work with displays of any permits.

Xcode 7 includes everything you need to create amazing apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. The Swift programming language has been updated and is now faster than ever, with great features that make your code even easier to read and write. And with the new playgrounds you can experiment with new APIs or author gorgeous interactive documentation using embedded resources, additional source code, and rich text comments. Xcode’s user interface testing feature can even record your app in action and generate tests for you.